Supernatural: 5 Reasons Dean Is A Better Hunter Than Sam (& 5 It's Sam)
There are some debates surrounding The CW’s Supernatural that will never go away, one of which happens to be the argument over which Winchester is the better hunter. It’s because they have characteristics the other doesn’t that makes them such a good team.
However, it’s also important to point out the strengths of each brother in order to maintain who excels in which particular area. For this reason, there are valid reasons from both sides of the debate that one Winchester is better than the other. With that in mind, here are five reasons why Sam is the better hunter, and five why Dean is.
10 Sam: He's Tech-Savvy
Without adapting with the times, hunters would never have been able to skirt around authorities and catch monsters. Dean remains completely clueless in this regard, to the point where he doesn’t even understand what most conversations involving technology are about.
On the other hand, Sam has been able to learn things from the likes of Charlie, and he’s the one who navigates searches from security cameras and police radios. It is due to this that the Winchesters have been able to find and solve cases.
9 Dean: His One-Year Survival In Purgatory
Surviving a whole year in the land of monsters is something that should be good enough to confirm that a guy can easily beat the best supernatural foes out there. In Dean’s case, he seemed to be the apex predator in Purgatory, rather than the actual monsters.
In addition to surviving in there that long, Dean was also able to procure a whole lot of knowledge about monsters from the realm.
8 Sam: He Can Tell Good Apart From Evil
Sam’s compassion is far from a weakness, and it is this quality that has led to many occasions where the “good” monsters were let off the hook. While Dean usually doesn’t care what the monster’s background might be, Sam is the one who looks for justice.
He understands that not everything is black and white, even when it comes to the supernatural. By knowing the difference between good and evil, Sam has been shown locating the real guilty party rather than take out those that didn’t deserve it.
7 Dean: His Ruthlessness
Sometimes there’s just no getting around the fact that monsters need to be killed, and giving them leeway is the wrong choice in this situation. For the most part, fighting these beings requires a killer instinct, and it is Dean that possesses it.
After all, it’s easy to see how Dean’s clashes with the supernatural generally concludes with him ending the beings and leaving no chance of them returning. This kind of ruthlessness is something one wants to have in any long hunting career.
6 Sam: He Does The Research
In addition to his abilities in the technology area, Sam is also an ace when it comes to research. Considering there are thousands of historical books and techniques about combating the supernatural, it goes without saying that research is important.
Without knowing the right kind of weapon or attack to use on a particular being, the Winchesters might as well just jump into a fight blind. This is why Sam’s research is absolutely vital, even if he does get some ribbing from Dean for being a nerd.
5 Dean: His Numerous Contacts Allow Him To Be Aware Of A Situation
It’s important to have eyes everywhere, since most of the supernatural beings have the ability to travel great distances. While Sam doesn’t seem to have any friends, Dean has been shown to be the one have “guys” out wherever, whom he often calls for favors.
Having these people on his list of contacts has proven important, as this has been the way the boys have tracked down enemies. Even more crucially, they have been able to rely on extra backup during times of increasing conflict because Dean knows all these hunters and allies.
4 Sam: His Strategic Mind
In the earlier seasons when the guys were younger, they had a tendency to go in guns blazing and attack their enemies head-on. However, as they’ve gotten older and their reflexes haven’t remained as sharp, it has been through the use of strategy that they’ve come away with the win.
The one responsible for this has been Sam, who almost always devises the plans to beat their enemies. While Dean is used as the person to implement these plans, there’s no doubt that the brains behind them is Sam.
3 Dean: He's A Better Fighter
Whenever the need to take out a really bad baddie has risen, it has typically been Dean who’s done the honors. He’s got a vast list of kills to his name, mainly due to his status as the better fighter between the brothers. Even in fights between the two, Dean has the upper hand in the number of wins.
As far as visual proof is concerned, it’s Dean who has been seen in far more fights compared to Sam, and on a few occasions Dean has been seen fighting using superb technique by attacking his enemy’s pressure points.
2 Sam: His Awareness Of Magic
By the end of the series run, Sam’s efficiency in the matter of magic came to the point where even Rowena marveled at his abilities. He can be considered an honorary witch, too, as Sam has been able to decipher the magic witches use.
Dean is clueless in this regard, relying on his brother to do the work here since he just doesn’t have the knowledge, skill, and patience to carry out magical activities. In battles against witches, or even angels and demons, Sam’s skill with magic has been useful.
1 Dean: He's More Experienced
Hunting requires being experienced in order to remain one step ahead of the enemy, and having the instinct of a hunter is something that comes from repeated encounters. Sam only recently embraced his fate as a hunter, while Dean has been in the life since he was a child.
With so much experience at his side - including travelling to numerous worlds like Avalon, Purgatory, Hell, Heaven, The Bad Place, and others - Dean is aware of all things supernatural through sight alone. And if someone wants an ever-reliable hunter, then a supremely experienced one might just be the best way to go.