Scott Walker Criticizes 'Power-Hungry' Governors For Extending Stay-at-Home Orders
Scott Walker appeared with Faux News' Neil Cavuto to discuss how to reopen the nation. Walker started out accusing governors who have extended their states' stay at home orders due to continued high number of cases or, like Wisconsin, are seeing a new spike in new cases - usually thanks to Republicans playing politics with people's lives - are power hungry and are exceeding their authority.
This statement by Walker is breathtaking in its irony, since Walker is actually an expert in being power hungry and exceeding his authority. While governor, Walker regularly grabbed for more power, starting with creating a fake economic crisis as an excuse to take away constitutional rights from workers - an act he repeated over and over during his tenure.
These power grabs continued as he amassed more and more power and methodically diminished the system of checks and balances.
But then Walker really loses all touch with human decency.