Strand breaks and chemical modification of intracellular DNA induced by cold atmospheric pressure plasma irradiation
by Hirofumi Kurita, Natsuki Haruta, Yoshito Uchihashi, Takahito Seto, Kazunori Takashima
DNA damage in the A549 human lung cancer cell line treated with cold plasma irradiation was investigated. We confirmed that cold atmospheric plasma generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) in a liquid, and the intracellular RONS level was increased in plasma-irradiated cells. However, a notable decrease in cell viability was not observed 24 hours after plasma irradiation. Because RONS induce oxidative damage in cells, strand breaks and chemical modification of DNA in the cancer cells were investigated. We found that 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) formation as well as DNA strand breaks, which have been thoroughly investigated, were induced by plasma irradiation. In addition, up-regulation of 8-oxoG repair enzyme was observed after plasma irradiation.