Crow’s Nest 05/07/20
May 7, 2020
Wow what a weekend that was! The scale back of pandemic restrictions must have made Mother Nature happy. She gave us bright sunshine, unseasonably warm temps and nice breezes. I couldn’t believe the number of people at City Park late Sunday morning! Seeing all the fishermen, wake boarders and jet skiers I thought I had fast forwarded to July 4th! The lone downfall of the weekend… The mayflies… BUT, wait… Rumor has it they’re a sign of clean water…? I have my staff lake expert (Can you believe I’ve been afforded a staff?!?!?!) doing research on this topic……. More will follow when we have a definitive answer.
Even with the lifting of some restrictions, our hands are still tied as far as being able to officially announce the dates, times and locations of the parties. The first bash is planned for June 13th, however, as I said that date is tentative. We hope more restrictions are lifted soon and we can all enjoy the first party of the year on time!
15 days until the registration deadline. May 22nd is still the day, get to it! is the place to go to register!
Hopefully, you’ve also had a chance to take a look at and register your kiddos, grand kids, maybe even yourself for classes at the Sailing Center. If you haven’t had a chance, go to , check out the schedule and curriculum. Remember to help them out with early registrations if you can… Register now and pay later, no harm in letting them know your plans to attend with no obligation if plans change!
If you haven’t done so, check out the CLYC Facebook page! Stu has been keeping it up to date with the latest happenings in and around the Club. We’ve got tons of pictures posted and the ever-favorite E Scow towing skier video. When the season gets going, take pictures of your favorite YC summer happenings and tag us! Just try to remember your audience of varying ages…
News from Mark Tesar and Stu Oltrogge regarding the MCSA Master’s Nationals: The regatta has been postponed to September 17th -20th. It goes without saying a regatta at Clear Lake will be a hit with the sailors no matter when it’s competed. That’s largely because of great volunteers like you! Volunteers may be a little tougher to come by in the middle of September, so put that planning/volunteering cap on now and mark the dates on your calendar!
We have a new member to the club who would like to make his lake life a little more enjoyable, here’s some info:
Brent Roske (WDM Times) 5156123135
We’re new to the club and looking to get out on the water. My sail boats were left in Marina del Rey. Anyone looking to go in on one or share costs over the summer? We’re in West Des Moines and would only be getting up to Clear Lake a few times this season. A bit about me is at
Fair winds ~
The racing season begins at 0930 sharp on May 23rd in the M17, MC and X fleets. The E fleet rips up the lake at 1400 on May 23rd. For those not racing, come out and watch the races. Maybe you’ll learn something and want to get involved racing, maybe you just want to cheer and jeer you friends while they race, either way, we’d love to see you out on the water with us!
That’s about all for this week. Don’t forget to take care of your registration by May 22nd
Stay in the clear air
Dan Allen
MC 2577 – Relentless