Hero teen dives into freezing canal to save drowning toddler
A teenage boy has been hailed a ‘superhero’ and a ‘guardian angel’ after saving a 15-month-old toddler from drowning in a canal.
Ryley Ferguson, 15, was walking his two dogs when he saw little Reggie Hampton fall into the waterway behind his home in Knottingley, West Yorkshire. He quickly ditched his jacket, kicked off his shoes and dived in as the toddler disappeared under the water.
He said: ‘I didn’t have time to think. It was pure instinct at that point. It all happened in a split second and suddenly I was at the bottom of the canal and managed to grab him. If I wasn’t there, if I walked by just thirty seconds later, he could have died. I had to save him.’
Reggie’s mum, Rebecca, 33, said the ‘adventurous’ toddler wandered off alone while she was working in the garden, which backs on to the canal. She added: ‘I keep saying Ryley is our guardian angel, he saved my boy and saved my life. Reggie will grow up knowing who Ryley is and what he’s done. He’s our superhero.
‘A neighbour had rushed into our house and said Reggie was in the canal. The world stopped for me at that moment, I was in complete shock.
‘I started shouting for him, it must have been a couple minutes at most but it felt like an eternity.
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‘I can’t tell you the relief I felt when I saw my beautiful boy.
‘I can’t thank Ryley enough, I gave him a card with some money but no money in the world will ever cover what he’s done for me.’
Ryley’s proud mum Amy was at work when her son carried out his heroics. She said she could not imagine what would have happened had he not been there.
She added: ‘I couldn’t be prouder of Ryley, he did such a brave thing and he saved that boy’s life. As a mum I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if I were to lose any of my kids – it’s a horrible thought.
‘I was shocked at first, but then I was relieved that Ryley helped prevent a real tragedy.’
An inspired neighbour has set up a gofundme page to raise funds for Ryley but the teenager has refused to take any money and asked people to donate it to the NHS instead.
Rebecca has also launched a campaign for Ryley to be given a Pride of Britain award for saving her son.
She said: ‘My daughter’s four years old and she’s been saying that he’s like Superman. She’s been asking “Did he dive into the water like Superman?”’
Rebecca also had a photo taken of Ryley and Reggie together.
She said: ‘This photo will be getting printed and put into a frame and put where Reggie can see it so he knows who his guardian angel is.
‘Reggie will always know who his hero is and we will forever be in your debt.’
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