The anchor at the Ocean City Life Saving Station Museum weighs 2.5 tons and is thought to be the largest anchor on the East Coast. It’s a great spot for taking photos, and many families and friends make it a tradition to take photos there every visit. We asked our friends on Facebook if they ever used the anchor as a photo op, and this was their reply!
Alicia HenniganCorissa Ann BakerGlendy ArellanosKelly SantiagoLaura Ann ReinaLisa Harman BeckerMichelle Podraza HendricksonFran Donatelli-Thornton Thanksgiving 2018Maria Conner Talk about a throw back. Our parents met in OC and come down every chance they can get. Sure do miss those Thraser’s French Fries during this pandemicAimee ZellerRosemary Pearce Howey August 2018Kevin MorganRoxanne JacksonStacey TresslerLesley Alcorn GaffneyNicole Wayman 2.5 tons is nothin’ for Stella!Jan Vergos Not me but my kiddo!Karen Topper My parents and nephews on the big anchor in June 2019.Beth Lange My grandson St. Patrick’s day weekend 2020Ashley Chambers We had the best time in Ocean City last year!Dot Dash Zaruba Yes…lots of times…one of many favorite spotsChuck Lord Our kids in 2018