Top 10 Aries Antagonist In Movies | ScreenRant
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries are ambitious goal-setters with a bold attitude. They are often the most competitive ones that don't mind the attention and always thrive to stand out. While most people would favor Aries qualities, like any Zodiac sign, the qualities are only good when they are used by the right people.
Aries are also known for being impatient, wanting everything is done on the first try and they can get impatient when their goals aren't met in a timely fashion. We see Aries in movies all the time, both good and bad. Right now we will focus on the bad side of an Aries by counting down the best Aries antagonists in movies.
10 Killmonger - Black Panther (2018)
As the big bad in Black Panther, Killmonger became an instant favorite due to his complex personality and charisma as a bad guy. Add in the fact he was played beautifully by Michael B Jordan, it's safe to say we wish we would've seen more of him in future MCU projects.
As an Aries Killmonger has a plan, he follows it through perfectly and even manages to win, as he almost kills T'challa and takes his crown. He's determined, arrogant, and he is goal-oriented, only taking his foot off the pedal when he knew for sure he had the victory.
9 Chucky - Child's Play Franchise
Known as one of the most terrifying dolls of all time, Chucky is a hothead and a relentless murderer, going after his victims without stopping for anything. He shows this determination throughout the entire franchise.
As an Aries, Chucky is unfiltered, energetic, assertive, and he only does what he wants how he wants it. A truly horrific Aries, Chucky is not the best example of the zodiac but an accurate one.
8 Bane - Dark Knight Rises (2012 )
When it comes to one of the most quotable villains of all time, Bane has to be on the top of the list. Making his way as the big bad in Dark Knight Rises, Bane did something no one had ever done to Batman and that's break his back and make him lose his confidence.
Oddly enough breaking the bat wasn't part of his plan but something he deemed necessary to make his outlandish plan a reality. Many doubted Bane and his plan, thinking it was too much for a relatively unknown mercenary but he manages to almost get away with it. As an Aries, he is impatient with distractions and determined and ambitious to see his plan through, even if that means losing his life.
7 T-1000 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
Created to be unstoppable and with one goal in his head, the T-1000 is one of the most dangerous villains in the Terminator franchise. As a machine, he doesn't stop for anything and as an advanced machine, there isn't a weapon that could even stop him.
Although he's one of the only villains on this list that doesn't accomplish his goal, he is still dangerously close and he proves to be a worthy foe. As an Aries, he is determined and only seems to function to meet his goals.
6 Regina George - Mean Girls (2004)
Regina George is the incarnation of every high school bully, beautiful condescending, and incredibly sneaky with her bullying tactics. She's a girl who has it all but still wants more, talking down to her devoted friends and making the whole school feat her due to her entitlement.
She's a sneaky bully and a determined one. She thrives being Queen Bee and is easily threatened when she feels another pretty girl is taking away attention. When she wants to destroy someone's life, there isn't anything that can stop her, making her a dangerous foe and an Aries with bad intentions.
5 Anton Chigurh - No Country For Old Men (2007)
Arguably one of the best movie villains in recent memory, Anton is a ruthless and nearly unstoppable hitman, with no goal other than to kill. He is remorseless, ruthless, and incredibly egotistical, only playing by his own rules.
Anton is so determined, he doesn't let any pain or injuries stop him and he kills everyone he sees, despite their age, size, or gender.
4 Hans Gruber - Die Hard (1988)
When it comes to Aries villains, Hans Gruber is the perfect archetype. He's ambitious, determined, and he is good at muffling his emotions to avoid any sort of distraction for meeting his goals.
As a true 80s action movie villain, Hans is a terrorist and a good one at that, nearly accomplishing his goals before Mcclane came in and saved the day.
3 Emperor Palpatine - Star Wars Franchise
This villain needs no introduction. As one of the most well-known villains in all of pop culture, Emperor Palpatine is the man responsible for fooling the Jedi and nearly wiping them from existence.
His desire and willpower to control everyone and everything, as well as his determination and patience to see it through make him a true Aries. He knows what needs to get done and doesn't hesitate to make the necessary moves to rule the empire.
2 Venom - Venom (2018)
Although he's more of an anti-hero these days, Venom still has some trouble sticking to being a good guy. He's impulsive and a little bit arrogant, diving in headfirst to get what he wants, and he doesn't care who he hurts or eats in the process.
He has a hard time listening to the more rational Eddie Brock and is only really determined when he's getting something he wants.
1 Cruella De Vil - 101 Dalmations (1959)
If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will. Cruella De Vil shows us exactly what happens when you don't give an Aries what they want and what they're willing to do to get it. She has a simple goal, obtaining the Dalmation puppies to make herself a unique coat only she can sport.
She didn't let the refusal of the owners stop her, she recklessly came up with a plan to capture the pups and dove in headfirst, making quite a mess along the way.