“Can we drink or not?” Official flip-flops ruin Indian beer-makers’ summer fizz
India’s flip-flop on permitting alcohol sales after a prolonged ban during the coronavirus lockdown has left beer manufacturers in the lurch.
On May 4, the country lifted its 40-day ban on the sale of alcohol but was forced to shut stores in some areas within hours after massive crowds of buyers threatened to squander all the benefits of the social distancing norms gained till now. In states such as Maharashtra and Kerala, sales have been stopped indefinitely. In Delhi, the government has announced a 70% “coronavirus tax” to discourage shoppers.
“With beer being a perishable product unlike other alcohol offerings, it is difficult to deal with disruption in market demand and sudden changes in retail policies,” Abhinav Jindal, CEO of Kimaya Himalayan, a Delhi-based beverage company that makes Bee Young and Yavira brands of beer, told Quartz.
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