Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: DLC Release Date and Details | Screen Rant
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a different kind of experience from the usual Dragon Ball game, giving players a fairly deep RPG experience that goes through the entire saga. While the game covered every arc from Dragon Ball Z, Kakarot's DLC is diving into the new content of Dragon Ball Super.
The first DLC will introduce the Battle of Gods, along with Beerus and Whis. At the same time, Goku and Vegeta will both gain their Super Saiyan God transformations.
There's more DLC to come after Battle of Gods, and fans will obviously want as much info as they can get about Kakarot's plans. The Season Pass for the game states the DLC will include "2 original episodes and one new story." Here's everything we know about Dragon Ball Z Kakarot's DLC.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot's first DLC titled "New Power Awakens - Part 1," is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The DLC released on April 28 for all platforms, and at the moment it can only be purchased through the season pass for $24.99. The DLC can be accessed at any time in-game and allows players to earn quite a bit of extra XP.
New Power Awakens is the first part of Kakarot's first DLC, but Bandai Namco hasn't announced a release date for the second part yet. Whenever the second part does get a release, it'll continue the storyline from Battle of Gods.
The big question right now is what Dragon Ball Z Kakarot's final DLC will entail, the one listed as a new story. A recent potential leak suggests that the DLC might focus on the Future Trunks arc of Dragon Ball Super, and will be titled "Future Trunks Arc: HOPE!!" This wouldn't exactly be a "new" story, but the arc has never properly appeared in Dragon Ball's video games before. If the Future Trunks arc is the DLC, however, that means that Kakarot would skip quite a few arcs and fights from the anime, including Golden Frieza, Universe 6, and Goku's battle with Hit. Considering how quiet Bandai Namco has been since the game's launch, it'll likely be a bit longer before it details the plans for Kakarot's final DLC.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.