Kevin Spacey Compares Coronavirus Impact To His Own Unemployment
A clueless comment about the coronavirus pandemic has arrived from a usual suspect.
Disgraced actor Kevin Spacey recently compared the hardship for millions who have lost work during the outbreak with his own unemployment, which resulted from accusations of sexual misconduct by more than a dozen men. (See the video above.)
In 2017, Rent actor Anthony Rapp said Spacey made advances on him when he was 14. Other accusers emerged afterward, costing Spacey his gig on the Netflix series House of Cards.
“My world completely changed in the fall of 2017. My job, many of my relationships, my standing in my own industry were all gone in just a matter of hours,” Spacey said in a YouTube video for a German business conference posted last month.
“In this instance, I feel as though I can relate to what it feels like to have your world suddenly stop,” Spacey continued. “And so while we may have found ourselves in similar situations albeit for very different reasons and circumstances, I still feel that some of the emotional struggles are very much the same.”
He continued: “And so I do have empathy for what it feels like to suddenly be told that you can’t go back to work, or that you might lose your job, and that it’s a situation you have absolutely no control over,” he said.
Spacey, who won Oscars for his roles in American Beauty and The Usual Suspects, went on to thank health care workers, then oddly segued into a lighthearted but creepy comment about Oktoberfest revelers:
“Looking forward to seeing you in your tight-fitting leather pants ― lederhosen as you like to call them ― and drinking way too many steins of beer and sharing the camaraderie.”