“It’s a public service that these firms have the ability to provide,” Hendren said. “It’s something that we are excited [about,] that we can be in a position to help provide a hub for that information to come together. When you see it all together, it can really start to tell a story of what’s going on in the economy.”

The tool was designed with lawmakers in mind but is open to and free for public use. The interactive dashboard presents key indicators like employment rates and a timeline of the economic downturn and compares them with significant points in the pandemic timeline, like when schools shut down, to assess their effects on consumer demand and spending. Users can select from different categories and can zoom in to U.S. states and counties to narrow their analyses, said research fellow Laura Kincaid, who worked on the project.

“The sheer amount of data that we have pulled together and the extent to which we have harmonized it across different series is really impressive,” Kincaid said. “A lot of the data is publicly available that anyone could technically pull, but it would take forever to clean it and get coordinated. That’s one of the services that we’re trying to offer. This information is out there, but it’s not all together in one concrete place for people to look at it [synchronized] with other data sources.”

Additional collaborators on the project included the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Brown University.

The Opportunity Insights team plans to continually improve the tracker. They also believe the tool will be useful long after the COVID-19 pandemic runs its course.

“This is a way of providing a higher-speed window into what’s going on in local economies,” Hendren said. “Where’s the economy most pressed? Where is the economy rising across different neighborhoods in the United States, across different sectors? How are we evolving in the economy? This will be able to shed light on that [and] that’s relevant for a lot of local planning decisions and [investments].”