Sox Baseball In The Covid Age
Time to think about what Sox baseball will look like once games begin again. Not the venues or divisions, but the games themselves.
Will we see...
All players and umpires wearing masks all the time?
No more pre-game lineup card exchanges at home plate due to no gatherings allowed? Lineups sent in by email or text?
Managers arguing with umpires at a safe six-foot distance or they are immediately tossed?
No more mound visits by catchers or fielders or managers?
After a hit or walk, the runner MUST take at least a six-foot lead off first base? Pitchers can only make tosses to to first with their glove hand?
Stolen bases outlawed? (Can’t insure six-foot distancing)
Once a ball is taken out of play it must be discarded or sprayed and sanitized?
No home run balls or foul balls allowed to be retrieved due to possible contamination?
No more spitting, ever? What’s baseball without spitting?
No need for a 7th inning stretch because there are no fans who need to stretch?
Beer, hot dog, and peanut vendors selling stuff to each other?
No food stands at the ballpark needed with no fans there?
After big the walk-off hit or homer, no more piles of happy players hugging and slapping and piling on each other?
After Sox home runs, no more fireworks because there’s no one in the stands to watch them and they bother the neighborhood and the local cats and dogs?
Hand sanitizer stalls at home plate and all bases?
Catchers must let baserunners score without tagging them when outfielders try to throw them out?
Whole new sets of baseball cards with pictures of players all masked-up?
Whatever. We’ll get used to it all. Baseball will be back... sort of.