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Will John Durham Finally Indict John Brennan? And, Will That Avert a New World War?


This article was originally published May 1, 2020 in the Executive Intelligence Review magazine. More developments, including the DOJ dropping of the Michael Flynn case have occurred since its publication, and more are set to occur this week. Stay tuned!

by Barbara Boyd, barbara@lpac-organizers.com

An all-out battle has been raging just beneath the surface in Washington, D.C. and now its first fruits are coming to the surface in the case of General Michael Flynn. The battle is about whether those officials who conducted and continue to conduct outrageously illegal actions against candidate, and now President, Donald Trump, and the citizens of the world, present and future, will finally be brought to account. Just as pressing is the question of whether such an accounting will mean much if COVID-19 isn’t defeated and economic stability and real economic growth don’t begin to occur.

The President faces two imperatives that will determine whether or not he wins the 2020 election. He has to conquer or substantially mitigate the virus. More daunting, he also has to restart an economy from dead stop. No one, other than the late Lyndon LaRouche, has really thought through such a proposition.

As LaRouche explained as far back as 1980, the idea is to expand the productivity of the economy fast enough to absorb the vast sums which have just been spent on simple survival. This can’t happen by a simple return to where we were before. It requires the types of leaps in productivity which can only come from massive, directed investment in infrastructure, basic research and development, and frontier projects, like fusion power and the space program, while starving the purely predatory holdings of Wall Street and the City of London.

The President is talking about a gigantic program to reindustrialize the United States and large-scale infrastructure together with bringing vital supply chains back from China and other offshore locations, something which will require a great deal of finesse and, most certainly cannot happen under conditions of warlike tensions between the world’s two largest economies. His biggest enemy in this quest is not the Chinese Communist Party. It is the globalist elites, the people actually responsible for gutting the United States who are now out to sabotage any real economic rebalancing and development of the world.

Bringing the virus under control will be a matter of science. And there are huge collaborations going on among the scientists of the world right now to make the new discoveries which will rein in this plague, including vital direct collaborations between U.S. and Chinese scientists, unmediated by the likes of Bill and Melinda Gates.

Much is unknown, and, creativity—a delicate ability to think and reason about the paradoxes of nature, producing new ideas as a result—does not flourish when fear and rage govern the psyche. Think about that the next time you hear the ravers on Fox News who continually indict the Chinese for what Wall Street and the City of London did to our economy, or the next time you side with the liberal and left ravers who have added “incompetent response” to a force of nature, to their ugly hate campaign against the President.

The Obama Administration and other British elite wannabies, like Mike Bloomberg, demolished this nation’s defenses against the virus. Trump had to go to war against the virus and attempt to rebuild the public health sector at the same time. See the article, “Mike Bloomberg’s Destruction of New York’s Virus Defenses,” in the April 10, 2020 issue of EIR.

The April Events

With that political context in mind, let’s look at the recent, apparently discrete “events” of the past days, concerning the 2015-2020 Russiagate jihad against Donald Trump.

On April 15, four footnotes in DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’ December 19, 2019 report on FBI misconduct with respect to the President were declassified and released to Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. Although normally intelligent, both Senators used the FBI’s ignorant alarm about British agent Christopher Steele’s relationships with Russian oligarchs, expressed in the declassified footnotes, to proclaim that actual Russian interference in the 2016 election was now finally found and proved. Voila! The British intelligence services that ran and/or significantly influenced the ongoing operation against the President are off the hook according to the Senators’ grossly incompetent reasoning and its repetition throughout the Republican blogosphere. Russiagate is alive!

This was followed by the Senate Judiciary Committee release, on April 16, of new documentation of FBI and DOJ misconduct in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants pertaining to Carter Page. This came as the result of the FISA Court finally waking up to the gross deception the FBI and DOJ practiced in procuring those warrants, especially with respect to British agent Christopher Steele. Steele’s dopey and completely fake dossier was the central justification for the Page FISA warrants and much of the Russiagate hoax against Donald Trump. As former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe summarized it to Congress, “without Steele, no FISA.”

Additionally, the FBI and DOJ withheld completely exculpatory information concerning Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos, who repeatedly told MI6 and CIA asset Stefan Halper that there was no Trump-Russia collusion to swing the election. Such a conspiracy, Papadopoulos told Halper, would be treason. Yet, it was a phony second-hand hearsay report of what Papadopoulos allegedly said to the former Australian Ambassador to London, Alexander Downer, himself deeply tied to British intelligence, which the FBI says justified the opening of the entire FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump Campaign.

Among the declassified documents released by the Senate Judiciary Committee is a July 12, 2018 letter from DOJ National Security head John Demers, seconded by the FBI, presumably in the form of Director Christopher Wray, lying their butts off about the validity of the FISA applications. These lies were totally exposed by the findings of DOJ Inspector General Horowitz’ report. The FISA court has taken notice of the absolute disparity between the “cover your ass” lies sent to them by Demers and the FBI and Inspector Horowitz’ contrary findings.

The DOJ has now completely disavowed two of the four Page FISA applications and the FISA Court is seeking sequestration of all evidence gathered as the result all of those warrants—an effort which could dramatically impact the legal legitimacy of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s font of evidence in his indictments.

Then, on April 21, 2020, the “unanimous” Senate Intelligence Committee produced a report pronouncing that all that was done against Trump in 2016 was straight and true and that the Russians really did intervene in the 2016 elections in Trump’s favor. As we shall show, below, the only meaning which should be taken from this is that every single Senator on this Committee, Republican and Democrat, is corrupt beyond any redemption. They were witting instruments of the coup, particularly Senator Mark Warner, and have been so from the start.

The Bombshell

Preceding all of these “events” and actually shaping them, was the bombshell interview given by Attorney General William Barr on April 10 to Fox News’ Laura Ingraham. Barr called Russiagate, “one of the greatest travesties in American history.” What happened to President Trump, Barr told Ingraham, was an investigation “without any basis.”

They started this investigation of his campaign. And even more concerning, actually, is what happened after the campaign. A whole pattern of events while he was president ... to sabotage the presidency ... or at least have the effect of sabotaging the presidency.... And if people broke the law and we can establish that with evidence, they will be prosecuted.

Note, carefully, the Attorney General’s focus. Prosecutor John Durham has expanded his investigation beyond the events of 2016 into the machinations that led to the appointment of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in May of 2017. He is reported to be hiring additional staff.

Joseph diGenova, former U.S. Attorney for Washington D.C., has given multiple interviews highlighting Barr’s statements. Based on his sources, diGenova says, John Durham, the prosecutor appointed by Barr to investigate Russiagate’s spies and investigators, has Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan firmly in his cross-hairs. Durham has empaneled a grand jury which is hearing evidence and preparing indictments, charging a criminal conspiracy to violate Donald Trump’s civil rights. diGenova continues to emphasize the operations of the British government as essential to the coup against the President.

Attorney General Barr recognizes that the federal court just down the street from the Justice Department, the District of Columbia District Court, is enemy territory, having been captured through the habitation of Robert Mueller’s corrupt legal assassins during that probe and as the result of the general “Resist” mindset of its judges. This is where the crimes against Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Michael Flynn went down and where General Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, continues to expose the raw injustice done to Michael Flynn.

To accomplish actual justice for Michael Flynn, the 33-year U.S. military veteran, Attorney General Barr sent Flynn’s files out to the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Jeffrey Jensen, for an independent review of any potential undisclosed exculpatory evidence, bypassing the present Washington D.C. prosecutors. In a filing on April 24, Sidney Powell revealed one of the findings of the independent review, an agreement with Flynn’s former attorneys to keep the non-prosecution agreement concerning Flynn’s son secret so that any future cross-examination and impeachment of Flynn as a government witness would be blinded. This is a straightforward violation of the exculpatory evidence rules enunciated by the Supreme Court in Giglio v. United States.


Other documents released on April 29 document the prep sessions conducted by the top levels of the FBI as they schemed to walk General Flynn into a perjury trap. Troubled by these prep sessions, one of the schemers, reported to be then FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap, tellingly wrote, “What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” Rather than being troubled by the pure injustice being worked here, Priestap appears to be motivated by “protecting the institution” of the FBI, should the schemers get caught. If the White House figures out the FBI’s game, Priestap writes, “it will be furious.” Not playing games will “protect the institution.”

Priestap’s notes refer to two possible investigative routes for the interview: getting Flynn to admit to a violation of the Logan Act or setting him up in a perjury trap. It is difficult to believe that senior levels of the FBI actually believed that the centuries old Logan Act, used in one indictment in the 19th century and generally held to be unconstitutional, could be credibly resurrected and used to prosecute the incoming National Security Adviser to the President of the United States without someone suggesting brain transplants for this idea’s proponents. Yet, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates argued exactly this bizarre theory to White House Counsel when visiting the White House, after Flynn’s January 24, 2017 FBI interview, to procure his firing.

Finally, on April 30, we learned that the FBI Washington field office, the on-the-ground investigators in the Flynn investigation, were closing the case in January of 2017 because they found no credible evidence that Flynn had any illicit relationship to the Russians. We also know from the Horowitz Report that in January of 2017, the FBI was being told by Christopher Steele’s primary source that the dirty dossier at the center of Russiagate was absolute bunk, a made-up British intelligence hoax. Nonetheless, Peter Strzok, acting on orders from the “7th floor,” namely, Comey and McCabe, said “stop,” keep it open. We know from the Page/Stzok email correspondence that “Potus,” (namely) Barack Obama had been read in on everything they were doing.

The reasons for Flynn’s targeting are what is most disturbing here. The FBI had FISA intercepts of calls between the Russian Ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, and Flynn at the end of December of 2016, apparently discussing Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomats and new sanctions Obama had placed on Russia, all based on the entirely bogus claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election on behalf of Donald Trump. The actions Obama took included placing a cyberweapon inside Russian infrastructure. According to the consensus news reporting, Flynn counseled the Russians not to “overreact,” to wait until the new Administration reviewed the matter. The classified transcript was obviously flagged by Obama’s intelligence crew, furious that such a conversation had ever taken place. Yet, the conversation between Flynn and Kislyak, if accurately reported, may have saved the world from a face to face Russian/American nuclear confrontation.


Barack Obama absolutely despised Michael Flynn for calling out and exposing the fact that Obama armed ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Syria in order to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. As far back as 2014, MI6’s Sir Richard Dearlove and CIA/MI6 asset Stefan Halper, key players in the coup against Donald Trump, outrageously smeared Michael Flynn as a compromised Russian asset. They lied that Flynn had fallen for a KGB honey trap when he engaged in a short discussion about Russian intelligence history with a Russian historian, Svetlana Lokhova at Dearlove’s Cambridge Security Initiative. They hated the fact that Flynn thought Russia and the United States could cooperate in defeating the very terrorists Obama and his British masters were arming.

Obama forced Flynn out as Defense Intelligence Agency Director in 2014, fired him, and warned Donald Trump, after the election, not to hire him. Trump made Flynn National Security Advisor, knowing that the intelligence community was rotten. Flynn knew where the skeletons were in the closets, and his charge was to reorganize and right the ship.

Moreover, as opposed to most of the Trump team, Flynn knew the world of intelligence and how to access it. He was bound to find out everything about the 2015-2016 CIA/FBI illegalities against Donald Trump. He had to be gotten out of the way even if the desperate pretext was a centuries old unconstitutional statute. As the result of the FBI interrogation of Flynn at the White House, the follow-up visit by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates screeching about the Logan Act, and accompanying orchestrated press hysteria, Flynn resigned from the Trump Administration. The reason provided to the media was that Flynn had lied to Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Ambassador Kislyak.

We already knew from previous disclosures that Flynn’s new attorney Sidney Powell had forced from a kicking and screaming DOJ and FBI, that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe practiced and rehearsed calling Flynn to set up an interview about what Flynn said to Kislyak. Relax, you don’t need an attorney, McCabe told Flynn. He indicated it was an informal visit. Both agents who went to see Flynn at the White House were instructed to make the interview jovial and relaxed, not to alert Flynn to any danger.

We already knew, according to Jim Comey’s snide and obnoxious performance before a fawning Resist audience at New York’s 92nd Street Y on December 9, 2018, that he sent the agents in without following normal procedures for an FBI investigative team entering the White House. Comey, congratulating himself on his sly cleverness, said he thought he could take advantage of the “chaos” of the incoming Trump Administration. He was doing something he would not “have gotten away with” in the Bush or Obama administrations. That line got Comey appreciative chortles from the fawning audience at the 92nd Street Y. Flynn, Comey reiterated, had no idea why his agents were coming.

Comey and Other Lowlifes

We also already knew that FBI agents Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok returned from their White House interview of Flynn saying that they did not think Flynn was lying. Per their instructions, they did not advise him of his right to an attorney, they did not advise him he was in legal jeopardy, they did not provide the warning normally used by FBI agents that telling a lie or being less than forthcoming in the interview could result in a prosecution under 18 U.S.C. 1001, they did not show him the transcript of the intercepts. All of these things are standard procedures for the FBI under our Constitution. They are protections provided to even the most violent criminals.

We also knew the original FBI 302 of the interview, the report normally written immediately after such an interview occurs, has gone missing—disappeared—is nowhere to be found. Instead, there were various versions of the 302 which had been “edited” by such as Lisa Page.

In pursuit of an initial major scalp, Robert Mueller went after Flynn full Torquemada. He threatened him with an indictment under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. He threatened to put Flynn’s son in jail for years. Mounting legal fees from Flynn’s white shoe D.C. law firm, Covington and Burling, bankrupted Flynn and forced him to sell his house to pay legal fees. To save his son, Flynn pled to making a false statement in his interview with the FBI at the White House.

More is coming, according to Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell. In a coup run largely by arrogant lawyers, who are sure that they are protected, there is a paper trail. Powell is now asking Judge Emmett Sullivan to exonerate Flynn based on outrageous government misconduct. Flynn is also seeking to withdraw his guilty plea. The strong public reaction and revulsion about what has been disclosed, as documents roll in from St. Louis, resulted in Judge Sullivan throwing a snit fit on Thursday, ordering that no more documents be disclosed on the public court docket until the entire trove of declassified documents arrives from St. Louis. The Flynn fix is getting away from them in the court of public opinion.

Press reports also indicate that John Durham is investigating the DOJ leak of classified intercepts of Kislyak’s conversations with Mike Flynn to long-time CIA scribe David Ignatius of the Washington Post, a felony and a critical overt act in the conspiracy to set up and destroy General Michael Flynn. Ignatius’ column, on January 12, set off a storm of media stories about Trump, Russia, and, of all things, the Logan Act.

If what Joseph diGenova’s sources tell him is true, and there is every indication that it is, all the trees in the forest could fall here, including those literally owned by the bankers, lawyers, and spies who surround the Queen. Among the casualties would be the Obama-Biden “legacy” and the massive international private spy apparatus presently engaged in overthrowing Donald Trump and fomenting a new confrontation with China.

Who is Christopher Steele?

Most Americans know that Christopher Steele is the “former” head of MI6’s Russia Desk who wrote the pornographic and salacious dossier—now proved beyond all reasonable doubt to be completely fake—about Donald Trump and Russia.

Steele’s “dossier” was paid for and circulated by the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee, using the Perkins Coie law firm and its lawyers Marc Elias and Michael Sussman, as very active cutouts. The initial goal of what was a British directed full-spectrum information warfare operation conducted against a presidential campaign, was to smear Donald J. Trump as a Manchurian candidate answerable to Vladimir Putin, in order to hand a landslide electoral victory to Hillary Clinton.

The fakery of Steele’s dossier was absurdly apparent on its face. It alleges that Putin offered Carter Page—an eccentric volunteer to Trump’s campaign who had previously testified for the United States government against a real Russian espionage ring in the United States—a 20% share in Russia’s main energy company in return for advocating the lifting of sanctions. It claims that Putin had put a top-secret dossier concerning Hillary Clinton exclusively into the hands of the Russian government’s public press spokesman. It features Trump lawyer and would be New York taxi medallion king, Michael Cohen, somehow directing sophisticated hackers in Prague where he flew to meet them. In fact, Cohen had never been in Prague and appears to be about as ignorant as most boomers on the subject of computers.

Here is Matt Taibbi, writing in the November 8, 2019 issue of Rolling Stone, whose eagle eye for comic absurdity is his rightful claim to fame, concerning Steele’s dirty dossier:

Steele’s most boffo-sensational charge was Russians having a tape of Trump getting off to prostitutes peeing on a Moscow hotel bed once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama. This, he said, “enabled” the Russians to blackmail Trump “if they so wished.” However, per Steele, Putin chose instead to offer a “regular flow” of “lucrative” real estate deals that Trump for “some unknown reason” kept declining, even though Steele simultaneously reported Trump was “exploring the real estate sector in Petersburg as well as Moscow.”

More “sophisticated,” if emotionally blocked, former intelligence analysts also immediately debunked Steele’s dossier as a fake, incapable of passing any smell test. They pointed out that believing the dossier required believing that the U.S. and the British had some 32 assets deep within the Russian government whom they were willing to expose through Christopher Steele. The claim of 32 assets and a willingness to roll up any asset close to Putin provoked belly laughs in these circles. Lee Smith in The Federalist makes a compelling case that nothing in the Steele report has any factual or real Russian basis; it is simply all fake and completely made up, using Russian and Ukrainian language sources about actual public events and then embellishing them.

A Corrupt and Complicit Intelligence Community

In short, the only reason why any intelligent person would swallow this nonsense is because important or very rich people told them to swallow it and they, the allegedly intelligent swallowers, had, a very long time ago, been bought and had obediently been swallowing similar crap for years.

Steele’s preposterous “dossier,” the equally fake claim that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and John Podesta, and that Russia, through a clickbait internet marketing firm’s low budget Facebook Ad campaign, swung the 2016 election to Donald Trump, nonetheless, became the foundational propaganda elements for the hate campaign, ongoing for three years now, against Donald Trump.

As our readers know, the WikiLeaks DNC documents have been demonstrated to be the product of a leak, not an internet hack, by the forensic investigations of former NSA technical director Bill Binney and the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Similarly, Robert Mueller’s indictment of Concord Management and Concord Consulting was dismissed by the DOJ, just days before trial, on March 16, 2020. Mueller had charged Concord with the ridiculously small-bore clickbait internet marketing campaign conducted by the Russian Internet Research Agency. As Aaron Maté and others have amply demonstrated, this campaign could have had little or no impact on the election, despite the massive effort by the Senate Intelligence Committee and Robert Mueller to gigantically inflate its significance.

To the surprise of Mueller’s prosecutors, Concord had showed up to defend itself in U.S. court. The Justice Department’s face-saving press release dismissing the case claimed that trial would result in the Russians being able to “weaponize” information produced in discovery concerning U.S. intelligence methods. If you know the real story, you might ask, what intelligence methods? Reading and following the British tabloid press? Bellicose claims that the Internet Research Agency was some nefarious Russian psychological warfare weapon capable of massively swaying public opinion had been featured in the British press and MI6 narratives for years, well prior to their being imported into the Russiagate narrative.

One part of the story of the crimes flowing from Christopher Steele and his British sponsors can be told by focusing on the revelations contained in DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’ December 2019 report, the recently declassified documents which emerged in its wake, and other documents which have resulted from Freedom of Information Act litigation. Damning as this part of the story is, however, it is only a small aspect of the British assault and does not explain why John Brennan has emerged as a significant target of John Durham or why two U.S. Senators who should know better would mistake the Russians, the target, for the actual perpetrators, the British.

Steele’s Story, As Told from the DOJ/FBI Disclosures

Christopher Steele has been an FBI informant since October of 2013 in counterintelligence operations targeting Russia. Steele’s U.S. business partner since 2010 has been Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C. opposition research and intelligence quango run by former reporters for the Wall Street Journal Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch with rich connections to the Obama White House, the DOJ, and other intelligence entities, and to a long line of journalists who make their money as scribes for intelligence leaks from the intelligence community.

For example, Neil King, Jr., who works for Fusion is married to Shailagh Murray, Barack Obama’s senior policy advisor. Murray had previously worked for years for Joe Biden. Nellie Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS on the Trump operation, and is a former analyst for the CIA with clearances, is married to Bruce Ohr, who, at the time these operations took place, was the fourth most powerful person at the DOJ.

Most of the key participants in the early phases of the coup had worked on Russian organized crime for decades—not to clean it up but to utilize it as a blackmail and smear mechanism against Vladimir Putin. A big part of this trade was the recruitment of Russian oligarchs to British, NATO, and U.S. intelligence operations. It is noteworthy that Glenn Simpson, then a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, wrote his first smear on Paul Manafort as a Russian agent way back in 2007. Paul Manafort’s relations with Ukraine’s Party of the Regions represented a new and unpredictable player on the field. He had to be smeared, tailed, and eliminated.

By all accounts, Fusion was formally hired by the DNC and Clinton in late March 2016. The Trump/Russia narrative began to flow through the press that month, right after the hiring. During the summer of 2016, the press was fed stories about Trump volunteer Carter Page coming right out of Steele’s dirty dossier. At the same time, the DNC’s Ukrainian nationalist, Alexandra Chalupa, was working with Ukrainian and private intelligence operatives, Yahoo’s Michael Isikoff, and the same group of mainstream media Christopher Steele was briefing to smear Trump Campaign manager Paul Manafort as a Russian operative. Steele has testified that his initial brief was also to target and destroy Manafort.

Both Alexandra Chalupa and Christopher Steele had been key operatives in the U.S./British 2014 coup in Ukraine, with Steele consulting frequently with the U.S. case officer for that fascist coup, Victoria Nuland, at the State Department. Chalupa and her sister, Andrea Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian fascist organizations in the United States, U.S. and British intelligence, and Ukrainian fascists in Ukraine on social media and cyberoperations supporting the coup. In 2016, she made multiple trips to the Obama White House, meeting with the Trump impeachment “whistleblower,” an aide to Joe Biden. Biden himself became Ukraine’s modern-day viceroy after the coup.

In June 2016, Steele handed a version of his dossier to his long-time FBI handler, Michael Gaeta, who was then working at the U.S. Embassy in Rome. That meeting was brokered by Victoria Nuland. In June and July, Steele traveled to Washington and met with Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Michael Sussman of Perkins Coie, and a bevy of Clinton-controlled journalists to whom he shopped his dossier. Sussman was the former head of the DOJ’s cybercrime unit and still maintained multiple contacts with the DOJ. That’s how the incestuous revolving door in the Washington swamp works.

Setting the Stage

In August, in a staged “emergency” briefing during the summer recess, John Brennan shopped Steele’s dossier about Trump and Russia to the Gang of Eight members of Congress—those allowed to receive top secret intelligence briefings. Brennan has testified that he received a handoff of documents from the highest levels of British intelligence, hand delivered to him and then hand delivered by Brennan, in turn, to the Obama White House. Senator Harry Reid then began pressing the FBI as to whether it was investigating Trump’s links to Russia, publicizing his letter of concern to the Bureau, and adding to the Trump/Russia legend.

In September and October, Steele traveled to Washington again, this time holding meetings and briefings at the State Department and with the same salon of journalists from CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New Yorker, Michael Isikoff from Yahoo and David Corn from Mother Jones. Both Isikoff and Corn published stories in October based on Steele’s briefings, stories which were widely amplified by the Clinton Campaign. By now, different versions of his dossier had been planted with the CIA, the FBI, other intelligence agencies, the Congress, and the White House. Other than Isikoff and Corn, however, Steele’s dodgy dossier was judged just too smelly and dodgy as a whole for even the rabid mainstream media to publish in full.

Not so, Jim Comey’s Crossfire Hurricane team at the FBI and Obama’s Justice Department. In October of 2016, the FBI used Steele’s dirty dossier as the substance of its probable cause showing for a FISA surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page. They used Steele’s standing as the former head of MI6’s Russia desk and as a reliable FBI partner in spy games with Russia to sell his crap. The FBI fired Steele cosmetically in November after his activities with journalists had become just too publicly obvious and after he disclosed his relationship to the FBI to his media salon. But they immediately set up a back channel to Steele through Bruce Ohr to continue the relationship. Steele reported his “findings” to Ohr, who, in turn, reported them to the FBI.

In its four applications to spy on Carter Page, which continued through the summer of 2017, the FBI didn’t tell the Court that it knew that Steele was collaborating with journalists to smear Trump and it only obliquely referenced, in a footnote, the political auspices of Steele’s opposition research. The FBI never told the court that Steele’s work was being paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. These, as we shall see, were only the more minor deceptions here.

Under FISA’s two-hop provisions, the Page FISA surveillance created an open microphone into Donald Trump’s campaign, the transition, and the first months of the Administration. Under FISA, surveillance is allowed on the surveillance target, anyone the target communicates with, and anyone that second person communicates with.

The Senate Judiciary Committee release makes clear that the FBI withheld exculpatory information from Papadopoulos which undermined the Trump/Russia collusion claim at the center of the Carter Page FISA application. Papadopoulos, whose encounters with British/Australian intelligence asset Alexander Downer were used to justify the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, repeatedly told Stefan Halper, the FBI/CIA/MI6 informant seeking to entrap him, that the Trump Campaign was not involved with the Russians in any way and that the collaboration between Trump and Russia, thrown out to him as bait by Halper, would amount to “treason.”

The Unexpected, Trump Wins

Following Trump’s completely unanticipated November 2016 victory over Clinton, Steele and his highly placed British intelligence partners, Sir Andrew Wood and Sir Richard Dearlove, leaked his dirty dossier to Senator John McCain and McCain’s associate, long time State Department and National Endowment for Democracy anti-Putin ideologue David Kramer. Kramer in turn, leaked it to a whole new round of journalists including Buzzfeed’s Ken Bensinger.

In a pre-staged scheme, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey used Buzzfeed’s possession of the dossier both to confront Trump with its salacious contents (Comey calling this his “J. Edgar Hoover moment”) and to greenlight the publication of its filthy, fake allegations to the world just ahead of the new President’s inauguration. They claimed to the President that they were giving him a heads up about something about to be published. By tipping off Buzzfeed to the fact that the President had been briefed, they gave Buzzfeed a public interest “news hook” for publishing Steele’s pornographic spy drama.

At the same time, Steele’s fake dosser made it, in abbreviated and classified form, into the intelligence community’s infamous January 2017 “assessment” that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in support of Donald Trump. Christopher Steele’s smelly dirty trick sits right in the middle of this much cited “assessment” by the vaunted U.S. intelligence community. Since it became patently obvious that the dossier was an MI6 hoax, the FBI and CIA have been accusing each other of being responsible for putting Steele’s crap in the ICA, rather than admitting that they were duped by the Brits, Brennan, and Comey and that they are idiots whose incompetence and cowardice constitute a significant U.S. security vulnerability.

John McCain, the compliant war monger responsible for the Buzzfeed leak, used Steele’s bogus claims to assert that Russia’s intervention into the 2016 election constituted an “act of war” justifying military mobilization of NATO and economic warfare measures. And, British toady Barack Obama acted on this, expelling Russian diplomats and instituted new sanctions, including, by all reports, installing a cyberweapon in Russian infrastructure.

DOJ Inspector General Horowitz found that, in addition to lying to the FISA Court about who was paying for the British dirty trick in the U.S., the FBI knew that Carter Page was a long-term asset of the CIA who had been reporting all of his contacts with the Russians to the agency. FBI Agent Kevin Kleinsmith went so far as to forge the CIA report to the FBI about Page’s CIA pedigree in order to create a fake FBI record saying the CIA didn’t have a relationship to Page. Kleinsmith has been referred by Horowitz for criminal prosecution.

Steele’s Source Says, There’s No There, There

The FBI also didn’t tell the FISA Court that it knew that Steele had appeared at the State Department for an arranged briefing of many officials in October of 2016, and that State Department official Katherine Kavalec told the FBI that Steele told her he had an election deadline for widespread publicity of his dossier and was absolutely desperate to achieve it. Kavalec also told the FBI that one of Steele’s essential conspiracy theories, that the Trump Campaign and Russians were working a scheme out of the Russian consulate in Miami, was flat out false. There is no Russian consulate in Miami. Both Steele’s statements to Bruce Ohr, that he would do anything to defeat Donald Trump, and his statement to Kavalec about impacting the election, were never reported to the FISA court.

Most startling of all, by January of 2017, the FBI had also interviewed Steele’s primary source, who told them that he had no sub-sources as Steele had claimed, just friends with whom he discussed politics and world events, and that what he told Steele was barroom gossip and hearsay stories compiled over drinks. Steele’s source said that he did not know that Steele would use what he told Steele in intelligence reports, and that Steele vastly exaggerated what he told him.

In short, the main source told the FBI, that Steele’s dossier was a pile of smoking crap, way back in the early months of 2017, before Robert Mueller was appointed to reinvent and legitimize the Trump/Russia myth using methods of legal terrorism.

The FBI had also been told that the Pee Tape was an outright fabrication by its putative author, Sergei Millian, who is Person 1 in the Horowitz report. There is an ongoing controversy about whether Millian was a low-level Russian asset, or a part of the MI6/CIA/FBI complex of informants deployed against Trump.

The now-declassified footnotes touted by Senators Grassley and Johnson do not say that Christopher Steele’s dossier is provably Russian disinformation, as they claim. All the footnotes say is that the FBI was concerned because Steele was reaching out to Russian oligarchs in 2015 and was a potential target for Russian disinformation. But, as we will show in greater detail below, reaching out to Russian oligarchs and using them to play the Great Game is Steele’s business. In fact, he publicizes that fact. Steele’s bogus claims about Michael Cohen’s trip to Prague were also identified, in the same FBI document, as possible Russian disinformation, probably to divert from the fact that Steele’s claims were so outrageously false.

The same footnotes also state that Person 1, Sergei Millian, the guy responsible for Steele’s pee tape claims, is suspected of being involved with Russian intelligence, and may have infiltrated Steele’s network. This is something of a problem since we now know that it’s really not likely that Steele had any “network,” at least not the one he claimed in his Trump investigations. Millian pursued a relationship with George Papadopoulos, beginning in the summer of 2016, in which he offered Papadopoulos various business opportunities financed by “rich Russians not under sanctions,” but, seemingly, only if Papadopoulos was going to go to work in the Trump Administration. This sounds much more, in context, like a CIA/FBI/MI6 low level entrapment operation than a sophisticated Russian cultivation.

RESIST Emerges Full Born

Following the President’s inauguration, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Pierre Omidyar, and a host of other Silicon Valley billionaires got together to fund Steele’s further activities. They threw millions into “The Democracy Integrity Project” (TDIP) and “Advance Democracy Inc.” (ADI), both led by Senator Diane Feinstein’s former chief of staff at the Senate Intelligence Committee, Daniel Jones. According to Jones, Clinton campaign manager John Podesta directed donors to Jones, and TDIP was up and running as of January of 2017. ADI came along in 2018 when Senator Chuck Grassley began asking questions about TDIP. Jones’ group served as a hub throughout the ensuing operations against the President, feeding daily fake news bulletins out to CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, ProPublica, McClatchy, and PBS, among others, and, also to Jones’ former employer, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee.

Now let’s talk about the Senate Intelligence Committee and its April 21 Russiagate whitewash.

Following Trump’s election, Obama and friends scrambled to use their surveillance powers under Executive Order 12333 to suck up everything they could in order to scandalize the incoming administration. Obama had created broad dissemination of classified NSA intercepts throughout the vast private-contractor and multi-agency intelligence community in an Executive Order signed on January 3, 2017, making leaks extremely difficult to trace. Most of the vacuum cleaner operation, inadvertently disclosed by former defense official Evelyn Farkas in a March 2017 interview with MSNBC, landed at the Senate Intelligence Committee.

To emphasize, by at least January of 2017, Michael Horowitz states, the FBI and the coup plotters already knew the Steele reports, the backbone of this entire legal atrocity were a complete fake. Now, the President was sitting in the White House, with all the powers of discovery that a President has to find out exactly who and what was attacking him.

Trump allies like Congressman Devin Nunes, had already started asking hard questions about what happened in 2016. This is why James Comey set out on his months long quest to frame the President up on an obstruction of justice charge—the top echelon of the Justice Department and FBI having given its playbook a trial run in the frame-up and elimination of Michael Flynn. This game only ended when the President fired Comey in May of 2017 and the putschists answered by orchestrating the appointment of Robert Mueller.

Mueller perfected his terroristic prosecutorial chops in the 1984-1988 prosecution of Lyndon LaRouche, and the cover-up conducted on behalf of the murderers of September 11, 2001. His sole real charge as Special Counsel was to cover up and legitimize all that had just occurred, while terrorizing any potential institutional supporters of the Presidency, threatening anyone who might support Trump with the prospect of bankruptcy by legal fee and years in prison.

Mark Warner’s Perfidies

Senator Mark Warner, the Vice-Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, played an especially active role in the orchestration of the coup. In mid-February of 2017, D.C. Attorney Adam Waldman was representing Christopher Steele, Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. This highly conflicted representation bears much further investigation.

Assange was negotiating to mitigate the damage from WikiLeaks fortuitous possession of all of the CIA’s main hacking tools and offering to provide definitive evidence that the Russian government did not hack the DNC or John Podesta, in exchange for his freedom. According to the detailed reporting of John Solomon, Senator Warner and James Comey deliberately blew up the Assange negotiations despite substantial pushback from David Laufman, the DOJ’s counterintelligence chief, who viewed a deal as essential to the national security of the United States.

When the negotiations collapsed, the Justice Department moved immediately to silence Assange, beginning its espionage investigation right then, in 2017. The idea is to kill him at London’s Belmarsh prison where he is housed now, or later upon extradition if he is sent to the U.S. Assange knows that the Russians did not hack the DNC and he knows how WikiLeaks got the DNC and Podesta documents and can prove what he knows.

In March of 2017, it was also Senator Mark Warner who asked for a copy of the classified Carter Page FISA warrant, which was sent to him and then promptly leaked by the Senate Intelligence Committee security chief James Wolfe, to Ali Watkins of the New York Times and others, resulting in a series of sensational new news stories forever crippling Carter Page and continuing the legend of Russian control of President Trump.

Wolfe was caught and indicted. But, instead of being outraged by Wolfe’s felonious leak of classified information, the Senate Intelligence Committee lined up to support him in a sweetheart plea deal worked out by then U.S. Attorney Jessie Lieu and the “Resist” forces presently occupying the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Imagine if that prosecution had gone forward and Wolfe began to talk about what actually happened, something his attorneys threatened before the DOJ caved and U.S. Senators formed a chorus singing Wolfe’s praises.

Finally, the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Russiagate whitewash had, as a key contributor, Popily Inc., the Austin, Texas company better known as New Knowledge. Daniel Jones’ ADI and TDIP paid $485,000 in 2018 to New Knowledge, along with $747,608 to a British firm controlled by Christopher Steele, and $2,010,317 to Bean LLC, the shell company that controls Fusion GPS, according to documents reviewed by the Daily Caller. New Knowledge was famously implicated in running a false flag operation against Roy Moore in the 2018 Alabama Senate race. The company imitated a Russian botnet to imply that Moore was controlled by the Russians.

Now, the Deeper Christopher Steele Story

Shortly after Trump’s election, Steele and his British sponsors began erasing their trail. In a recent deposition given in a libel suit against Steele in Britain by the owners of Russia’s Alfa Bank, Steele testified that he obliterated all his notes and recordings with his primary source way back in December of 2016.

At the same time, British intelligence was delivering an “assessment” to the incoming Trump Administration indicating that Steele was an unreliable agent who had gone rogue. The head of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) spy agency, Robert Hannigan, who was deeply involved in the British effort to defeat Trump, suddenly and unexpectedly announced his retirement in January of 2017. MI6 provided the FBI’s Bill Priestap with a derogatory assessment of Steele in the early months of 2017, on condition that Priestap not share it or attribute it.

In short, Steele was being set up as the designated fall guy for the British operation against Trump at the same time that he was being handsomely rewarded for assuming this role through the largesse of the Daniel Jones/Democratic Party operatives in the United States and various British benefactors.

We have been probing Steele’s role in British intelligence and the British role in the coup against Trump ever since Steele’s dirty, flaky dossier first emerged in public view. See, for example, the roundup in my article, “The British Come Out of the Shadows,” published in EIR, January 18, 2019. Here is a short summary of our findings in their strategic context.

The British Russiagate Attack: Background and Synopsis

In or around 2006, when Steele still headed the Russia desk at MI6, the British launched a covert effort to unseat Putin in Russia itself. The British services, which run NATO, together with the CIA, had collaborated since Putin was first elected in 2000 in a series of color revolutions in the former East Bloc beginning with Georgia in 2003, followed by Ukraine in 2004, and then Kyrgyzstan in 2005. The infrastructure for these revolts mainly involved funds from the National Endowment for Democracy, the British Foreign Office, the State Department, George Soros’ Open Society operations, the Smith-Richardson Foundation, and similar intelligence quangos.

The opening event in this new phase of the anti-Putin crusade was the staged assassination of Alexander Litvinenko. Steele was the case officer for this Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) defector who worked for exiled billionaire Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, a bitter Putin foe. Litvinenko was poisoned with radioactive polonium in 2006 and broadcast a death bed statement blasted worldwide blaming Putin for his murder.

Litvinenko’s death bed movie was produced by former Soros employee Andrew Goldfarb, the British PR firm Bell Pottinger (notorious for its fake Al-Qaeda films in the public relations lead-up to the Iraq war), and Christopher Steele. Litvinenko and Berezovsky coined the legend that Putin ran a mafia state when, in fact, Berezovsky himself was deeply involved in Russian organized crime. Litvinenko’s father insists that it was Berezovsky who killed his son.

Otherwise, Steele’s two mentors at MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove and Sir John Scarlett were found to be deeply involved in the intelligence hoaxes concerning Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” by British investigators. It is to be recalled that David Kelly—the key whistleblower who caused the investigations into Tony Blair’s “sexed up” Iraq dossiers produced by Dearlove and Scarlett and sold to the Bush Administration—ended up dead in what many saw as a retaliatory murder. Steele formally left MI6 when Scarlett resigned in 2009, the same year his first wife died.

Steele founded his private intelligence service, Orbis, in 2009, forming a business relationship almost immediately with Fusion GPS in the United States. Among the specializations listed at one time on Orbis’ website were “creating public opinion groundswells” and “delivering targeted political campaigns.” An equally important British state propaganda arm was set up in 2009, the Institute for Statecraft of NATO information warfare wacko Chris Donnelly, with which Steele’s operation is deeply intertwined.

Steele himself described his business model as providing intelligence services to warring Russian oligarchs, famous for suing each other in British courts while parking their ill-gotten gains with the City of London and other British offshore havens. This, of course, is an ideal gambit for both gathering intelligence and running operations against the Russian state, where the government exists in uneasy tension with the privateer oligarchs who looted the state following the fall of the Soviet Union.

Back to Obama

Meanwhile, back in the United States in 2009, Barack Obama’s infowar guru, Cass Sunstein, was exploring how to create “cognitive dissonance” based on the theories of the mind of British philosophical oligarch Karl Popper, in order to stamp out the “conspiracy theories” which emerged in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse. Sunstein is the husband of Obama’s crazed UN Ambassador, Samantha Power, the 2016-2017 serial unmasker of classified intercepts of Trump supporters and other opponents of Hillary Clinton. Sunstein proposed aggressive profiling and intervention into internet chat rooms in order to control the public narrative and silence potential opponents by “infiltrating” their minds. The conspiracy theories he said must be targeted and “neutralized?” Accounts questioning the accepted narratives concerning the murder of 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001 and truthful accounts about who benefited in the financial bailout of Wall Street and the City of London in 2008-2009.

The NATO/British/Obama infowar project was first tested under warfare conditions in the Ukraine coup of 2014. The upshot of that coup was to install a U.S./British client state on Russia’s border whose security apparatus was controlled by neo-Nazis who waged a genocidal war of ethnic cleansing against the ethnic Russians living in Ukraine’s south and east.

Joe Biden served as the American viceroy for Ukraine, following the coup, assisted by the cast of characters who all appeared to testify against the President in his impeachment, including the so-called whistleblower who worked both with Biden and with Alexandra Chalupa. As previously noted, Christopher Steele was a major operative in this coup, providing over 400 intelligence memos supporting the coup to Victoria Nuland and her State Department putschists.

This convergence of Alexandra Chalupa and Christopher Steele is worthy of much further investigation. Journalist George Eliason, writing from Ukraine, continues to insist that the Ukrainian state anti-Russian security hacking group, Shaltai Boltai (working with Chalupa, CrowdStrike, and Atlantic Council operative Dimitri Alperovitz) was responsible for the hoax attributing the DNC and Podesta “hacks” to the Russians, along with a host of similar cyber operations in 2016.

Eliason says the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) are right about the DNC WikiLeaks documents being a leak, rather than a hack. But, he says the rest of the cyber-operations attributed to the Russians in 2016 were Ukrainian, not Russian. He says there was a Ukraine server involved in this, as noted by President Trump in his now famous conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. That server was destroyed by former Ukrainian President and U.S./British asset Petro Poroshenko when he left office in 2019.

Congress’ Anglophilic Useful Fools

The fact that both houses of Congress allowed the Ukrainian atrocity—the installation of a neo-Nazi government committed to genocide against half of its own citizenry—to be called the “revolution of dignity” throughout the impeachment proceedings against President Trump was, perhaps, the biggest signal of just how outright fraudulent and corrupt the whole impeachment, made-for-TV spectacle, actually was.

Out of the Ukraine coup, and a perceived Western failure to sell the beauty of neo-Nazis killing citizens of their own nation, a whole new series of institutions was born to conduct offensive information warfare against Russia, or anyone else viewed as a threat to “the rules-based international order.” NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre went into full-bore operation. The British created the 77th Military Brigade to disrupt and infiltrate internet sites throughout Europe. The Information Warfare Initiative was launched out of the Center for European Policy Analysis in the U.S. And the British military launched the Integrity Initiative in conjunction with the Institute for Statecraft.

Under the journalist “cluster” concept of the Integrity Initiative, major journalists in the U.S., Britain, and Europe were recruited to write propaganda as dictated by NATO and the British Foreign Office. President Obama’s 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) created a similar anti-Russia propaganda font stateside, the Global Engagement Center, in the U.S. State Department. It coordinated with the British Integrity Initiative, NATO StratCom, the Center for Naval Analysis, the Center for European Policy Analysis, and the Atlantic Council. Thus, an apparatus was created just like Operation Mockingbird, the collaboration of intelligence agencies, compromised politicians, and the national news media that employed over 400 journalists to shape and direct public opinion during the Cold War.

This is the media apparatus the President faces. It is not outraged liberals or people sincerely presenting political viewpoints. It is a propaganda, censorship, and brainwashing machine.

Meanwhile, outside the shadow world of spy vs. spy, the populations of the United States and Britain were in angry revolt against the Obama Administration and the British establishment which continued to support the neo-liberal globalist institutions behind the financial collapse of 2008. There was never any recovery from that collapse. Instead the elites claimed that industrial production, high-paying jobs, and a viable middle class could never again occur in the advanced sector. They counseled that everyone should learn to write code, ride their bicycles, and embrace the necessary economic devolution now necessary to save the world from climate change. That, in fact, was the message of the Clinton/Obama 2016 campaign.

Challenging the Decadent Globalists

In June of 2015, Donald Trump announced that he was running for President of the United States on an “America First” platform, favoring nation states over the current globalist world order. A similar revolt was underway in Britain—Brexit. In 2016, both Trump and Brexit triumphed, to the shock of the entire global elite.

On October 1, 2015, Joseph Dunford became Barack Obama’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, succeeding Martin Dempsey. Dempsey had successfully pushed back on many of Obama’s more insane war policies. Dunford, by his own account, immediately began to draft the new defense strategy for the United States, citing Russia and China as “revisionist” great power competitors who had to be confronted by the United States in a “whole of nation” effort. Dunford’s “strategy” enshrined Obama’s “Asia Pivot,” focusing on geopolitically isolating China. While in implementation from the day Dunford took office, this operation was finally completed in then Defense Secretary James Mattis’ release of the new National Defense Strategy in January of 2018.

Trillions of dollars are associated with the National Defense Strategy. Huge chunks of cash are emitted at each step of its journey to implementation through funding by the Congress. This is how Washington’s elites and spooks make their money. War is, really, their all-consuming industry.

Christopher Steele told Jane Mayer of the New Yorker that shortly before he began his assignment targeting Donald Trump in April of 2016, he had completed a study called “Operation Charlemagne” profiling how Russia was attempting to destroy the European Union and NATO and profiling Russian influences in the Brexit movement. In the minds of Steele, Dearlove, Scarlett, Dearlove’s kindergarten at the Henry Jackson Society, Pablo Miller, Bill Browder, their friends at Hakluyt (the British spook retirement home also involved in the operation to take out Trump), Luke Harding, Ed Lucas, and the other intelligence community scribes at the Integrity Initiative, NATO and the Atlantic Council, the profound dissent tapped into by Trump and the Brexit movement represented an existential threat to their entire existence.

According to John Brennan’s account to the Congress, as confirmed by the British paper, The Guardian, of April 13, 2017, the British began framing the narrative about Trump and Russia way back in 2015. The Guardian bragged about this, back in the time when they thought that Trump could literally be driven from office via a color revolution inside the United States. They said that GCHQ had been gathering information about Trump and Russia, assisted by the Netherlands, in late 2015. Brennan testified that the British were feeding information about Trump and Russia to the CIA and demanding action, saying that if it did not take place, the “special relationship” was over.

In March and April of 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers blew the whistle on illegal surveillance taking place through the NSA. Rogers had discovered that the FBI was allowing access to classified NSA intercepts by three FBI private contractors in contravention of the law. He shutdown large aspects of this illegal NSA surveillance and notified the FISA court. That, many believe, necessitated the resort to Christopher Steele by Obama and his co-conspirators in their campaign to eliminate Donald Trump and other Clinton opponents. This is when Steele was hired and, it appears, absolutely illegal surveillance of the American presidential campaign was outsourced to GCHQ, NATO, the CIA, and, in all probability, rogue Ukrainian hacking groups.

As the result of Rogers’ whistleblowing, James Clapper and John Brennan attempted, throughout 2016, to get Rogers fired. It has been widely reported that Rogers is now cooperating with John Durham.

The British Imperial Wish

Brennan and Barack Obama complied, of course, with British wishes, turning loose the entire infowar and surveillance apparatus on Trump, illegally—at first from the CIA, GCHQ, and NATO, and then through the Justice Department and the FBI. A “fusion cell” of CIA and FBI operatives was set up at CIA headquarters in the spring of 2016 targeted at Trump, a blatant violation of the laws which prevent the CIA from spying domestically.

According to Christopher Steele’s testimony in his recent deposition in Alfa Bank’s defamation suit, the State Department, including Victoria Nuland and Strobe Talbott, along with Hillary Clinton personally and Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, were fully “read in” on his operation. Left out of Steele’s account, deliberately, is what the British were bragging about in 2017 and what is obvious, by omission, otherwise. This British operation against Donald Trump had to be approved by the President of the United States. And the normal channel for facilitating this type of intelligence operation on foreign soil is the CIA Director, John Brennan. He was, by all accounts, Barack Obama’s most trusted advisor. It was Brennan who delivered the baseball card formatted target profiles to Barack Obama for his afternoon “kill” sessions, targeting lethal drone strikes on people Brennan deemed terrorists. So, when it is leaked that John Brennan is the guy in John Durham’s sites, think about the apparatus we have just described and the possibility that the entire thing could now be pulled down, exposed, and all of the fine strategic consequences of that.

And, just to provide an ending here, on November 4, 2019, The Guardian published a report saying that the Conservative Party and specifically Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been nefariously cultivated by the Russians for the last five years according to Britain’s all-powerful Intelligence and Security Committee. That is, going back to the emergence of the strong Brexit movement, Britain’s escape from the European Union, which Boris Johnson is now executing. The source of this report by the highest levels of the British intelligence establishment? One Christopher Steele, the very guy the Brits told the Trump Administration was a discredited rogue operative.


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