Top Kevin Smith Films According To IMDB | ScreenRant
In the early nineties, an aspiring young filmmaker sold his comic book collection, maxed out several credit cards and made Clerks, making Kevin Smith a household name amongst Indie film fans. While he doesn’t get the credit for it, he was one of the first directors to establish a shared universe throughout his films (take that Marvel!).
Kevin Smith is unique in that he has a die-hard niche audience that clamors for him. So it’s hard to judge his films on ratings - he knows his audience and and he seldom steps out of his comfort zone. He’d also be the first to tell you that. Here are Kevin Smith’s films ranked, according to IMDB.
11 Yoga Hosers - 4.3
It’s a family affair as Smith’s View Askewniverse spins off into the second chapter of his True North trilogy. Smith’s daughter Harley teams up Lily Depp for Yoga Hosers, which also starred Lily’s parents, Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis. The two Colleens have to defend our world while practicing Yoga and getting ready for a major party. It’s basically a silly eighties movie, done Kevin Smith style.
10 Tusk - 5.3
In the first part of Smith’s “True North” trilogy, Tusk also serves as the strangest Kevin Smith film to date, and one of the strangest horror stories as well. For a guy who made his name telling obscene jokes, this movie is very disturbed and the most un-Kevin Smith movie on this list. Don’t judge it by the outlandish premise of watching a guy he turned into a human walrus, it’s crazier than that, and you seriously don’t know if you should be laughing at the outlandishness or actually terrified by the insanity.
9 Cop Out - 5.6
On the surface, Cop Out sounds amazing. A buddy cop movie starring action hero, Bruce Willis and comedian Tracy Morgan and directed by Smith. But the making of the movie is more exciting than the story of two cops hunting down an old baseball card. There is a slew of heat between Willis and Smith thanks to the making of this film. Smith still owes Willis, thanks to his star power, Cop Out remains Smith’s most lucrative film.
8 Jay And Silent Bob Reboot - 5.7
With all of Hollywood rebooting and reimagining every franchise, Kevin Smith tackles the issue and parodied his own films in Jay And Silent Bob Reboot.
Once again the Jersey Boys head to Hollywood to try and stop Kevin Smith’s Bluntman And Chronic Reboot from being made (yes the fact that it’s the same plot as Strike Back is kind of the point). But it’s always nice to catch up with old friends.
7 Jersey Girl / Red State - 6.2
Smith tried to break the mold with these two pictures, both tied with a 6.2 rating. In Red State, he tells the story of a couple of kids looking for a good time, but find themselves instead dealing with a bunch of crazies. On the opposite end of the kid spectrum, Smith’s first film outside of the View Askewinverse, Jersey Girl told a saccharine story of a dad trying to raise his baby girl after mom passed away giving birth.
6 Zack And Miri - 6.5
Smith tackles his love of Star Wars in a unique way when lifelong platonic friends and roommates Zack and Miri make a...well you know. They decide to make an adult film to pay their bills centered around George Lucas’ epic space saga. It’s easy to see where this is going - the pair realize that their affections are more than just platonic and the combination of Smith and Seth Rogen’s humor was able to work wonders.
5 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back - 6.8
After four films featuring interconnecting events and characters, Smith brought as much as he could together for the road trip comedy, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
The boys find out that they’re about to made into a big budget movie and somehow got left out of the rights-fees. They’re left with no choice but to head to Hollywood and try to stop it. Along the way, they find love and are fugitives from the law.
4 Mallrats - 7.1
Kevin Smith struck gold with Clerks and got some studio backing to go forth and do it all over again. The result is the highly underrated Mallrats - because if kids went to see dirty jokes being told by two slackers all day in a convenience store, why wouldn’t they’d want to see four slackers tell dirty jokes all day in a mall?! For fans of old school frat comedies like Porkys, Mallrats is the perfect companion piece to those comedies of yesteryear.
3 Chasing Amy - 7.2
Kevin Smith’s tale of love and confusion in New Jersey is also his poignant movie. Chasing Amy follows the story of best friends and aspiring comic book writers and artists Holden McNeil and Banky Edwards. Their world is upended when Holden meets and falls for Alyssa Jones. The one caveat though is that she mostly likes girls. For all of his detractors, when Smith wants to, he can really pump heart and soul into a story.
2 Dogma / Clerks II - 7.3
After the success of Chasing Amy, Smith looked to merge the two worlds of juvenile humor and heartfelt messages with Dogma. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon play renegade angels trying to get back into the pearly gates.
It’s quite possibly Smith’s best movie besides Clerks. But the sequel to Clerks is no slouch. Checking in on Dante and Randall ten years later was a smart choice - Smith’s fans grew up just as his characters did but are still working in the service industry.
1 Clerks - 7.7
The simplicity of Clerks is half of the fun - just another mundane day in the life of two friends who work at a convenience store, badly as Randall night say. But within that simplicity is the execution. There isn’t a soul who hasn’t been in Dante’s shoes at one point or another. There also is seldom a person who wouldn’t want to be as Devil May Care as Randall. In some ways, it’s still the film that affords Smith the opportunities that he has gotten.