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Croydon police shooting: Handcuffed suspect ‘who shot dead dad-of-one sergeant, 54, expressed extremist views’


THE handcuffed suspect who shot dead a dad-of-one sergeant in a Croydon police station had reportedly expressed extremist views. The 23-year-old man, of Sri Lankan heritage, was referred to the Government’s Prevent anti-terror programme over fears of sympathies towards Islamic extremism. He is thought to have not been deemed necessary to be on MI5 or […]

THE handcuffed suspect who shot dead a dad-of-one sergeant in a Croydon police station had reportedly expressed extremist views.

The 23-year-old man, of Sri Lankan heritage, was referred to the Government’s Prevent anti-terror programme over fears of sympathies towards Islamic extremism.

⚠ Follow the latest updates on the Croydon shooting here

Matt Ratana pictured at the rugby with partner Sue Bushby[/caption]
Sgt Ratana served with the Met Police for 29 years [/caption]
Peter Jordan - The Sun
Emotional colleagues bravely continued their work at the station[/caption]
supplied by Pixel8000
Sergant Ratana was airlifted to hospital following the incident[/caption]
The respected officer was also a rugby coach[/caption]
PA:Press Association
Heartbroken colleagues left floral tributes at the scene[/caption]

He is thought to have not been deemed necessary to be on MI5 or counterterrorism police watchlists, The Times reports.

A source told The Sun: “He was on the very edge of the terrorism landscape. Mental health is a key line of inquiry.”

The suspect is in a critical state in hospital after turning the gun on himself as he fired five bullets inside the police station on Friday morning.

Sergeant Matt Ratana tragically died after being shot in the chest as the suspect was booked in over alleged possession of ammunition.

The 54-year-old dad was just months from retirement – he was going through Covid protocol while doing the “meet and greet” for all new detainees.

The suspect, 23, pulled the revolver from his trousers while cuffed behind his back and fired at Sgt Ratana before two other cops jumped on him.

The gunman blazed off more shots, five in all, in a fierce struggle in the corridor at 2.15am.

One hit himself in the neck, leaving him critical and under armed guard in hospital last night.


Medics performed open heart surgery on Sgt Ratana at the custody centre in Croydon, South London.

He was airlifted to hospital but later pronounced dead.

It is believed that special constables failed to find the gun when they had earlier detained him on suspicion of possessing drugs and ammunition.

Desperate colleagues battled to save the stricken officer’s life before he was rushed to hospital, where he died soon after.

Originally from Hawke’s Bay, Sgt Ratana came to the UK in 1989 and played rugby for London Irish.

England Rugby tweeted: “Our thoughts and those of the entire rugby family are with the family and friends of Sergeant Matt Ratana.

“Head Coach at @RugbyEGRFC who gave so much to our sport.”

The officer had served with the Met Police since 1991 and worked in Croydon from 2015.

The New Zealand-born rugby coach had told colleagues he intended to quit as early as next year, and posted of  his excitement at the prospect of “a long healthy life”.

Pals said Sgt Ratana, dad to a grown-up son, dreamed of travelling Europe on his motorbike then coaching at his rugby club in Sussex.


His partner of four years Sue Bushby was said to be devastated tonight and was being comforted by friends.

Her sister Amanda Tessier, a community nurse, told The Sun: “He was a great big friendly bear of a man, one of the loveliest men you could meet.

“He was absolutely dedicated to being a police officer and had almost 30 years of service.

“He knew the dangers of being a police officer in London but for him it was all part of the job.

“He was such a lovely guy. He was a big friendly guy.

“He liked to keep fit and loved his rugby but he also liked a burger or two.”

He was the life and soul, a real fun-loving guy

Friend Amanda Tessier

She added: “We simply can’t believe it. How did someone have a gun in the police station?

“I’m sure there is going to be a huge investigation by the Met but it doesn’t seem right at all.”

Mrs Tessier said her sister was left devastated by the news.

She said: “She got a knock on the door in the morning. It’s just devastating.

“We can’t believe it. He was the life and soul, a real fun-loving guy.”

Amanda said Matt was also a passionate rugby fan who coached players at Hove Rugby and also East Grinstead.

Breaking down in tears, Amanda continued: “They’ll be devastated by this. He coached the juniors as well. It’s just awful.”

Peter Jordan
Officers stood for a minute’s silence outside the station[/caption]
Matt was a passionate rugby fan who coached players Hove Rugby and also East Grinstead
Sargeant Matt Ratana was shot dead at Croydon police station[/caption]
Sgt Ratana died in hospital despite colleagues’ efforts to save his life[/caption]
AFP or licensors
Tributes arrived from colleagues across the force[/caption]
AFP or licensors
Tributes have been building at the scene throughout the day[/caption]
PA:Press Association
Forensics officers arrived at the scene as a murder investigation was launched[/caption]

Earlier the suspect had been stopped and searched by two special constables close to a community centre in a crime hotspot.

He was arrested on suspicion of dealing cannabis and possessing ammunition and taken to the custody centre in Windmill Lane.

He remained handcuffed until a door was opened for him to be  searched with a metal detector.

A source said: “He was cuffed behind his back and given a pat down.

“It would appear the suspect has somehow managed to conceal the gun on his body.”

“However, there are rules preventing any intimate body searches on the street. It can only be done when a suspect is booked into a custody suite.”

The source added: “The sergeant opened the door to admit him and take his temperature to comply with Covid rules. But the suspect shot him at point-blank range.”

PA:Press Association
Sergeant Ratana was described as ‘a big friendly guy’[/caption]
supplied by Pixel8000
Sgt Ratana is the tenth officer to have been killed in the line of duty in the past decade[/caption]

Sgt Ratana is the tenth officer to have been killed in the line of duty in the past decade, and the first since PC Andrew Harper was killed by thieves while responding to a burglary in Berkshire in August last year.

Met officer Stuart James, who raced to help his colleague, described the horror scenes as fellow officers fought to save his life.

He wrote on Twitter: “This morning my team and I responded to the worst possible radio transmission from custody, words and scenes I shall never forget.

“The unimaginable happened to our police family. We have lost not only a good skipper but also a real gentleman. One of the best. RIP brother.”

Ch Insp Jack Rowlands wrote: “Hard to put into words. All I can say is I lost a friend today and know very many more friends did everything they could. I’m thinking of everyone affected.”

Community police officer Jacqueline Kufuor burst into tears after laying flowers outside the centre in tribute to her colleague.

The unimaginable happened to our police family

Met officer Stuart James

She said: “You never expect this to happen when you go to work. For him to have been in custody and for this to have happened, it is just so sad.

“He was a very lovely man. He was such a nice man. When he sees you, he would just stand and talk to you.

“He would ask you about your job and how your are coping and how you are doing out there.”

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick last night said Sgt Ratana was known as a “big guy” with a “big heart”.

She said: “A lovely man, respected by his colleagues, officers, staff and of course by members of the public, including, I may say, suspects arrested or dealt with in custody.

“He was very well known locally and he will be remembered so fondly in Croydon and missed there, as well as in the Met and in the rugby world.”

Dame Cressida confirned that he leaves behind a partner and an adult son from a previous relationship.

Google Earth
The Met Police announced the tragedy yesterday[/caption]
Colleague Stuart James witnessed the horror and paid tribute on Twitter[/caption]
Ch Insp Jack Rowlands said he and other colleagues had ‘lost a friend’
Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent his ‘deepest condolences’ to Sgt Ratana’s family[/caption]
PC Andrew Harper’s widow Lissie also paid tribute [/caption]

The Independent Office for Police Conduct will investigate the shocking circumstances of the officer’s death.

IOPC regional director Sal Naseem said: “What we have established is that the man was arrested for possession of class B drugs with intent to supply and possession of ammunition.

“The man was handcuffed to the rear before being transported to Croydon Custody Suite in a police vehicle where he was escorted into the building.

“He remained handcuffed to the rear and seated in a holding area in the custody suite.

“His handcuffs remained in place while officers prepared to search him using a metal detector.

“It is at the point that shots were fired resulting in the fatal injuries to the officer and critical injuries to the man.

“A non-police issue firearm, which appears to be a revolver, has been recovered from the scene. Further ballistic work will be required.”


An internal probe has been launched into the shooting and will focus on the failure to find the gun during the initial search.

Sgt Ratana’s colleagues wrote an emotional tribute to him, saying: “Today we lost an honourable, brave and dedicated family member.”

A number of serving and former police officers changed their social media profile pictures to black, with a blue line, as a mark of respect.

A flag outside Croydon police station was also lowered to half mast as forensics officers combed the scene.

Asked about how someone could enter the building while armed, former Det Ch Insp Chris Phillips said: “I think police officers are probably less likely to search people now with all the furore that goes on.

“When people get arrested there is a general view that they should be searched before being transported to the police station but that doesn’t always happen – and it depends on what the man was arrested for in the first place.

“This goes down the line about handcuffing – do you handcuff? When do the handcuffs get taken off for protection etc?”

“My heart goes out to his family, direct colleagues and friends.”

And in an emotional Facebook post, PC Harper’s widow Lissie Harper also said the killing was “utterly devastating”, adding: “What is happening to our world?”

Officers killed in the line of duty since 2000

Detective Constable Stephen Oake died during a police raid on a flat in Crumpsall, Manchester, in January 2003.

Pc Ian Broadhurst, 34, of West Yorkshire Police, was murdered by David Bieber, 38, in Leeds on Boxing Day 2003.

Detective Constable Michael Swindells, 44, died after he was knifed in the stomach as he and colleagues conducted a search in Birmingham in May 2004.

Pc Sharon Beshenivsky was shot dead when she and a colleague tried to stop armed robbers in Bradford in November 2005.

Pc Ricky Gray was shot in the head by a gunman who then turned the weapon on himself in Shrewsbury in 2007.

Pc Gary Toms, 37, was critically injured confronting suspects in Leyton, east London, on April 11 2009. He died six days later when his life support machine was switched off, 25 years to the day after Pc Yvonne Fletcher was shot dead outside the Libyan embassy in London while controlling a crowd of demonstrators.

Pc Fiona Bone, 32, and Pc Nicola Hughes, 23, were murdered by Dale Cregan in Greater Manchester in September 2012.

Pc Keith Palmer, who was fatally stabbed in March 2017 by Khalid Masood during the Westminster Bridge terror attack.

Pc Andrew Harper died when he was caught in a tow rope and dragged along country lanes after trying to stop quad bike thieves in Berkshire in August 2019.

Shocked locals told The Sun of their horror at the scene yesterday as a murder investigation got underway.

Daniel Michaels said he has been held in the custody suite and was searched throughly – including strip searches.

The 19-year-old former student said it was “unbelievable” and “outrageous” the gun was not found.

He said: “I can’t believe this. I was arrested and taken in there and searched numerous times and the security is very tight. This is unbelievable.

“You get searched every step of the way. You get searched before you get in the car, after and when you arrive and then when you get into the suite. How an earth has this happened? It’s madness.

“It seems impossible this could happen. It’s so strict. Something has gone badly wrong for this to happen.”

Lisa Verrilli, a local cafe worker, said she saw the hero cop several times a week when he would visit for lunch.

The 39-year-old described him as a ‘proud dad’ and ‘devoted family man’.

She said: “He was only in here two days ago – it’s absolutely heartbreaking. My heart goes out to his family.

“He was a true gent. He was a very proud dad and a devoted family man.

“He’d been in the force for a long time. Despite a demanding job he was always in a good mood. He was happy and cheerful.”

A player from the rugby club where the tragic officer coached said he had come straight to his final shift from a training session last night. 


He said:”He was so vibrant, so bubbly. Larger than life. He was just a great character.

“His wife is lovely. It’s a huge loss. If you had a problem you could go and speak to him. He would find a way to help.

“The man was a machine. He was at training last night.

“He used to train with us then he would come to do shift work here in Croydon.

“He would do that week in week out. We start training at 7pm. He would have left at 9, 9.30pm I guess.”

Another pal, who had been with Sgtr Ratana just horus earlier, said: ” “He was an inspirational coach, a real leader.

“I was with him at  training at 6pm  then I heard what  happened on the radio this morning. I’m in shock.”

Ken Marsh,  of the Met  Police Federation, said news of the shooting was “utterly devastating”.

He added: “Officers are in shock  and sick to their stomachs at the nature of his death. Sadly, on very rare occasions officers make the ultimate sacrifice whilst fulfilling their role.”

Colleagues pay tribute outside station

Just before 2pm a dozen uniformed police officers walked silently to the custody centre, laid two large bouquets and bowed their heads as they stood side-by-side in tribute to their colleague.

They left a minute later without saying a word. A poem pinned to one of the bouquets read:

Time to come home dear brother

Your tour of duty through

You have given as much as anyone could be expected to do

Just a few steps further the smoke will start to clear

Others here will guide you

You have no need of fear

You have not failed your brothers

You clearly gave it all

And through your selfless actions

Others will hear the call

Secure your place of honour

Among those who have gone before

And know you will be remembered

For now and evermore.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted saying: “My deepest condolences go to the family, friends and colleagues of the police officer who was killed in Croydon last night.”

Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “I am deeply shocked and saddened to learn that a Metropolitan Police Officer has been shot and killed in the line of duty.

“My thoughts today are with his family, friends and policing colleagues in London and across the country.”

London News Pictures
A murder investigation is underway at Croydon police station[/caption]
Forensics officers could be seen at the scene yesterday morning [/caption]
London News Pictures
Shocked colleagues stood guard outside the station [/caption]
PA:Press Association
Sgt Ratana suffered fatal injuries inside the custody centre[/caption]

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