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Scarface: Tony Montana's 10 Most Badass Scenes, Ranked


Scarface's Tony Montana is one of the most iconic movie characters of all time and these 10 badass scenes show why.

Scarface is one of the most iconic crime movies of all time. While it didn't get an acclaimed response when it was first released, the movie became a cult classic and is now regarded as a mainstream hit largely thanks to the unforgettable protagonist of Tony Montana.

RELATED: Scarface: 5 Ways It's A Classic (& 5 Ways It Aged Badly)

Al Pacino delivers a wild and engrossing performance as Montana, a Cuban immigrant who comes to Miami with dreams of success. Through his fearless and merciless attitude, he quickly rises to power as one of the biggest drug lords in the country. There are countless scenes in Scarface that prove why this badass character has resonated with fans for so many years.

10 Interrogation

Tony's introduction in the movie finds him among the thousands of Cuban citizens making emigrating to America. After he arrives in Florida, Tony is taken to an interrogation room where some immigration officers question him.

The scene provides a perfect first impression of Tony. Despite being surrounded by a few no-nonsense cops, he is laidback and acts as if he is the one with all the power in the room. While they don't buy his innocent story and send him to a refugee camp, Tony still stands tall against them.

9 Taking Over Negotiations

When working for drug boss Frank Lopez, Tony is sent down to Bolivia to meet with powerful kingpin Alejandro Sosa. Though Tony is meant to only be there to watch his associate's back, he quickly takes the lead on the negotiations.

RELATED: Michael Corleone Vs. Tony Montana: Who Wins A Mob Fight?

Despite his associate Omar telling him to keep his mouth shut, Tony doesn't back down at all. He pretends like Omar isn't even there and speaks to Sosa like he is the one in charge of the operation and makes a massive deal that secures him more power as a crime boss.

8 Club Shootout

As Tony gets hungrier for power, he begins to find that he has more and more enemies. While he is at a nightclub attempting to unwind, he is targeted by a pair of assassins.

While a bizarre clown show goes on in the club, Tony watches from his VIP seat. Suddenly, the two gunmen open fire on Tony who manages to see them just in time and gets out of the way. The assassins unload endless bullets, and while the clown gets the worst of it, Tony emerges hardly hurt and angrier than ever.

7 Getting Arrested

As with all criminals, Tony can only evade the authorities for so long. While in the midst of a money-laundering operation, Tony falls for a sting operation and is arrested by the police.

Even with a table full of money and hours of video evidence, Tony still acts like this is only a minor inconvenience for him. He calmly promises the detectives that he knows powerful people and by the time he is released they will find themselves reassigned to Alaska.

6 Murdering The General

As Tony and his friend Manny find themselves trapped in the refugee camp, they find an opportunity to get out and begin their quest for a better life. Through Manny's connections, they are hired by Frank Lopez to kill another man in the camp who was a former Cuban general in exchange for green cards.

RELATED: Al Pacino's 10 Best Movies (According to IMDb)

Tony has no love for the government of his homeland and he tells Manny that he would kill this man for pleasure, but for a green card he will "carve him up real nice." During a riot at the camp, Tony makes good on his promise and dispatches the general with ease.

5 Restaurant Rant

As epic as Tony's rise to power was, his downfall is just as dramatic. One of the best scenes in the movie comes when Tony feels the world crashing in around him and he gets in a drunken fight with his wife at a fancy restaurant.

With all the uneasy patrons looking at him, Tony lets loose a slurred rant about how they all perceive him as the "bad guy" so they can feel better about themselves. It is somewhat of a pathetic moment for him, but the fact that everyone in the room is too afraid to stop him shows his power.

4 Drug Deal Gone Bad

After getting out of the refugee camp, Tony and Manny are given their first real assignment from Frank Lopez. They are told to vary out a drug deal for Frank but things quickly go bad.

Tony and his friend Angel are taken at gunpoint by the people they were meant to buy from. In an attempt to find out where the money is, the thugs brutally kill Angel with a chainsaw as Tony watches. Yet even that cannot persuade him to give up the money. He ultimately breaks free and murders the leader of the thugs in the middle of the street.

3 Stopping The Assassination

After getting arrested in the sting operation, Tony is faced with a long prison sentence. Sosa informs him that he can help make his problem go away if he assists in the assassination of a political pundit who is speaking out against Sosa and his associates.

RELATED: Say Hello To My Little Friend: 10 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Scarface

Tony travels to New York where he helps one of Sosa's men track the target. But when Tony sees the man's wife and children in the car as well, he refuses to carry out the assassination and shoots Sosa's man instead.

2 Getting His Revenge

Following the nightclub assassination attempt, Tony immediately suspects it was Frank who targeted him. He gathers his men and pays Frank a visit where he finds him with the crooked cop who tried to hustle Tony earlier.

Tony proves Frank was the man behind the hit and makes Frank beg for his life before ordering Manny to execute him. Tony then turns to the cocky cop who thinks he is safe and kills him in cold blood as well, becoming the city's number one crime boss.

1 Final Stand

Undoubtedly, the most iconic scene in the entire movie is Tony's final stand. After failing to carry out the assassination for Sosa, Tony's mansion is attacked by a hit squad. After his sister is killed, a cocaine-fuelled Tony becomes a one-man army against his attackers.

After blowing several of them away with his grenade launcher, Tony stands at the top of his stairs with his massive gun, taking out anyone who comes near while memorably mocking them. When he is out of bullets, he dares them to shoot him yet somehow remains standing until the final shotgun blast to the back sends him falling into the fountain below.

NEXT: 5 Reasons Why Scarface Is Al Pacino's Best Performance (And 5 Why It's Godfather)

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