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Vaccine eligibility: Who is eligible for the vaccine in the US?


THE vaccine rollout has been accelerating across the US ever since President Joe Biden directed states make every adult eligible for the jab by May 1. Many states began moving up dates and announcing new eligibility for citizens to meet the president’s timeline. Vaccine eligibility: Who is eligible for the vaccine in the US? Vaccine […]

THE vaccine rollout has been accelerating across the US ever since President Joe Biden directed states make every adult eligible for the jab by May 1.

Many states began moving up dates and announcing new eligibility for citizens to meet the president’s timeline.

States across the nation are ramping up vaccine eligibility to meet President Joe Biden’s May 1 timeline[/caption]

Vaccine eligibility: Who is eligible for the vaccine in the US?

Vaccine rollouts vary by state, for example, Texas announced that by March 29, all adults will be eligible to receive the jab.

However, in states like New York and New Jersey, people ages 50 and up are now eligible for the vaccine – as well as essential workers and individuals with underlying health conditions.

Folks can also visit CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens’ websites to book an appointment to receive the jab, however, locations may vary.

The following is a list of where vaccination eligibility stands in every state:

Vaccine rollouts vary for each state[/caption]


Current phase: All those ages 55 and older, people with intellectual and developmental disability, and those ages 16 to 64 with high risk medical conditions are eligible for the jab.

Health care providers, law enforcement, firefighters, nursing home residents and critical workers define in Phase 1b are all eligible to receive the jab in Alabama.


Current Phase: Every adult living or working in the state is eligible to receive a vaccine.

Alaska became the first state to eliminate vaccine eligibility requirements for adults on March 9.


Current phase: Governor Doug Ducey announced that all Arizonans 16 and older are eligible for a vaccine at state vaccination sites starting March 24.


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, as well as those ages 16-64 with high-risk health conditions, people residing in high-risk settings and some essential workers defined in the states Phase 1b and Phase 1c.

According to the Arkansas Department of Health’s vaccine plan, Phase 2 will likely “include the rest of the population aged 16 years and upward”.

Starting March 24, all Arizona adults ages 16 and over will be eligible to receive the Covid vaccine[/caption]


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, people in long-term care facilities, health care workers, people ages 16 to 64 with certain high-risk medical conditions, individuals who reside in high-risk settings, and some workers as defined in the states Phase 1b.


Current phase: All those age 50 and older, people with high-risk conditions and some frontline workers – as defined by Phase 1b.4 – are now eligible to receive a vaccine in Colorado.

Plans for Phase 2 in the states are forthcoming, although it’s expected that in late April the general public will become eligible for the jab.


Current phase: Individuals ages 45 and older, health care personnel, first responders, long-term care facility residents and staff, residents and staff of congregate settings, educators and childcare providers are eligible for a vaccine in Connecticut.

Gov. Ned Lamontrecently announced a revised vaccination schedule that would tentatively make all adults over the age of 16 eligible to receive a vaccine starting April 5.


Current phase: All those 50 and older are eligible to receive a vaccine at pharmacies in Delaware.

Individuals 16 and over with high and moderate-risk medical conditions, non-paid caregivers of individuals with high- or moderate-risk medical conditions, long-term care facility residents and staff, and employer groups of essential workers as defined by Phase 1a are eligible to be vaccinated.


Current phase: Individuals age 50 and older, health care workers who work with direct patient contact, long-term care facility residents and staff, and extremely vulnerable people, as determined by a physician are eligible to receive a vaccine in Florida.

In Mississippi, adults 16 and over are now eligible for the jab[/caption]


Current phase: Adults ages 55 and older, individuals 16 and over with high-risk medical conditions, health care workers, law enforcement, firefighters, first responders, some educators and school staff are eligible for the vaccine in Georgia.

Judges and courtroom staff, adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their caregivers, and parents of children with complex medical conditions are also eligible.


Current phase: Individuals ages 65 and over, health care workers, essential workers as defined in the states Phases 1b and 1c, individuals ages 16 to 64 with high-risk medical conditions and those on dialysis are eligible for a vaccine in Hawaii.

Phase 2, which is slated for May 2021, will include individuals ages 16 and over who do not fit into other categories.


Current phase: Adults ages 55 and over, health care workers, long-term care facility staff and residents, first responders, K-12 teachers and school staff, and front-line essential workers are eligible for a vaccine in Idaho.

Starting March 29, all those between 45 and 54 with at least one medical condition leaving them at an increased risk or which might leave them at an increased risk, as defined by the CDC will be eligible for a jab as well.


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, health care personnel, residents and staff of long-term care facilities, front-line essential workers as defined in the states Phase 1b, and all those 16 and older with high-risk medical conditions or disabilities are eligible for the vaccine in Illinois.

Starting April 12, as announced by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, all individuals ages 16 and older will be eligible for a vaccine.


Current Phase: Adults 40 and older, long-term care facility residents, health care workers in close contact with patients, those working in congregate living facilities for youth are eligible for a vaccine in Indiana.

Eligibility extends to first responders, educators and school support staff, individuals with certain high-risk medical conditions, and some veterans.


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, as well as those between ages 16 and 64 with high-risk medical conditions, individuals with disabilities, health care workers, first responders, long-term care facility residents and staff, K-12 school teachers and staff, child care staff, and some essential workers are eligible for a vaccine in Iowa.


Current phase: Adults 65 and older, individuals ages 16 to 64 with high-risk medical conditions, health care workers, residents of long-term care facilities are eligible to receive a vaccine in Kansas.

Eligibility also extends to people living in congregate settings and critical workers as defined by the Department of Homeland Security

The state of Kansas said it will meet President Biden‘s deadline of May 1 to make all adults eligible for a vaccine.

President Joe Biden announced that by May 1 all adults in America will be eligible for the Covid vaccine[/caption]


Current phase: Anyone age 60 or older, individuals age 16 and over with high-risk medical conditions, residents of long-term care and assisted living facilities, and all essential workers, as defined by Phase 1c in the state of Kentucky.

Phase 2, which will include adults ages 40 and older, has not been set.


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, those with high-risk medical conditions between ages 16 and 64, and all essential workers, as defined by Phase 1b – Tier 2 are now eligible to receive a vaccine in Louisiana.


Current phase: People age 60 and older, health care personnel, residents and staff of long-term care facilities, public safety personnel, are eligible to receive a vaccine in Maine.

On April 1, individuals 50 and over will be eligible for a vaccine in Maine, the state will also meet Biden’s May 1 deadline.


Current phase: Individuals age 60 and older, health care workers and other hospital staff, nursing home residents and staff, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are all eligible for the jab in Maryland.

The vaccine is also eligible to law enforcement, firefighters, EMS workers, K-12 teachers and education staff, people receiving hospital-based treatment for certain medical conditions, and other workers as defined by Phase 1c.

By April 27, Marylanders 16 and older will be eligible for a vaccine.


Current phase: Adults age 60 and older, health care workers, first responders, individuals with two or more certain medical conditions, long-term care facility residents and staff are eligible for a vaccine in Massachusetts.

Also eligible are low income and affordable senior housing residents and staff, congregate care setting residents and staff, educators, school staff and childcare workers and certain other eligible workers as defined by the CDC.

On April 5, people ages 55 and older and those with one or more certain medical conditions will be able to receive a shot.

All those 16 and over will be eligible in Massachusetts starting April 19.

In Michigan, all adults will be eligible for the vaccine by April 5[/caption]


Current phase: Individuals 50 and older, those 16 and older with high-risk medical conditions or disabilities and their caregivers, health care workers, long-term care residents and staff, school and childcare staff, corrections staff and detained individuals and other essential workers as defined by Phase 1c.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that all adults will be eligible to receive a vaccine by April 5.


Current phase: Adults 65 and older, individuals 45 and older with one or more underlying medical conditions, individuals ages 16 to 44 with two or more underlying medical conditions, health care personnel, long-term care residents and staff, school staff and some essential front-line workers.

Between May and June, All those 50 and older, those 16 and older with any underlying medical condition, and all other essential workers will be eligible for a vaccine.


Current phase: On March 16, Mississippi became the second state to make all individuals 16 and older eligible for a vaccine.


Current phase: Long-term care facility residents and staff, patient-facing health care workers, first responders and emergency services, high-risk individuals and critical infrastructure, as defined by Phase 1b Tier 3 are eligible to receive a vaccine in Missouri.

The state will move to Phase 2 on March 29, which will include eligibility for workers in construction, agriculture and education, as well as homeless individuals and other disproportionately affected groups.

Gov Mike Parson announced that all adults in the state will be eligible for a vaccine starting April 9.


Current phase: Adults 60 and older, those 16 and older with certain medical conditions as defined by Phases 1b and 1b+, frontline health care workers, long-term care facility residents and staff re eligible to receive a vaccine in Montana.

American Indians and other people of color “who may be at elevated risk for Covid-19 related complications,” are also eligible.

Starting April 1, all Montanans ages 16 and over will be eligible for a vaccine.

All states are on pace to meet the May 1 timeline[/caption]


Current phase: Individuals ages 50 and over, health care workers, long-term care facility residents, residents of congregate living facilities, first responders, correctional facilities staff, educators, homeless shelter staff and other workers as defined by Phase 1b are eligible for a vaccine in Nebraska.

The state will meet the presidents May 1 deadline, which will make the jab available to all adults 16 and older.


Current phase: Adults 65 and older, those 16 and older with certain preexisting medical conditions, health care workers, long-term care facility staff and residents, educators and school staff, other frontline and essential workers are eligible for a vaccine in Nevada.

Starting April 5, all individuals 16 and older will be eligible to receive the vaccine in the state.

New Hampshire

Current phase: Individuals 50 and older, those with two or more medical conditions that make them high risk and their family caregivers, health care workers and first responders are eligible for a vaccine in New Hampshire.

Also eligible are residents and staff of residential care facilities for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities, correctional officers and staff, and school and childcare staff.

On March 29, eligibility will expand to additional frontline workers such as hospitality, agriculture and clergy, among others.

New Mexico

Current phase: Individuals 60 and older, those 16 and older with underlying medical conditions, health care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, workers in congregate setting and other essential workers, as defined by Phase 1c are eligible for a vaccine in New Mexico.

New Jersey

Current phase: Adults 65 and older, those 16 and over with certain high-risk medical conditions, health care workers, first responders, long-term care residents and staff, some educators and school staff and childcare workers, transportation workers and additional public safety workers are eligible for a vaccine in New jersey.

On March 29, eligibility will expand to additional frontline workers such as hospitality, agriculture and clergy, among others.

New York

Current phase: Adults 50 and older, people with certain medical conditions, residents and staff of long-term care facilities and in congregate settings, health care personnel, first responders, teachers and childcare workers, public transit workers and other essential workers as defined by Phases 1a and 1b are eligible for a vaccine in New York.

New York State just announced all adults 50 and older meet the requirements to receive the vaccine[/caption]

North Carolina

Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, those with certain high-risk medical conditions in accordance with CDC recommendations, residents of some congregate settings, school and childcare workers and frontline essential workers within Group 3 are eligible for a vaccine in North Carolina.

On April 7, essential workers within Group 4 such as those working in the chemical and energy sectors will become eligible.

North Dakota

Current phase: Adults 65 and older, those ages 16 and older with high-risk medical conditions, as defined by the CDC, health care workers and first responders, long-term care residents and staff, those in other congregate settings, childcare and education workers and other essential workers.

Starting March 29, all adults over 16 will be eligible for a vaccine in North Dakota.


Current phase: On March 29, all individuals 16 and older will be eligible for a vaccine.


Current phase: Adults 65 and older, adults with comorbidities, long-term care residents and staff, congregate care residents and staff, health care workers and first responders, some teachers and educational staff and some other workers are eligible for a vaccine in Oklahoma.


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, health care personnel, long-term care facility residents, K-12 educators and school staff, and childcare providers are eligible for a vaccine in Oregon.

On March 29, adults between 45 and 64 with an underlying health condition, those experiencing homelessness, migrant and seasonal farm workers, people currently displaced by wildfires, among others defined in Phase 1b – Group 6 will become eligible.

All adults will be eligible by the May 1 deadline.


Current phase: Adults 65 and older, those ages 16 to 64 with high risk conditions, health care personnel and long-term care facility residents are eligible for a vaccine in Pennsylvania.

However, the city of Philadelphia is conducting its own vaccine distribution plan, where some workers are eligible for a vaccine as well the populations included in the state response.

The vaccine will become statewide for all adults by the May 1 deadline.

By April 19, all Rhode Islanders will be eligible for the jab[/caption]

Rhode Island

Current phase: Individuals 60 and older, those 16 and older with underlying medical conditions, hospital employees and other health care workers, residents and staff of some group homes and assisted living facilities and other congregate settings, teachers and school staff and some other workers are eligible for a vaccine in Rhode Island.

By April 19, all adults will be eligible for a vaccine in the state.

South Carolina

Current phase: Adults 55 and over, those with certain high-risk medical conditions or developmental disabilities and some frontline workers, as defined by Phase 1b are eligible for a vaccine in South Carolina.

Starting the week of April 12, adults 45 and older, as well as some essential workers as defined by Phase 1c, will be eligible for the vaccine in the state.

South Dakota

Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, people 16 and over with high-risk medical conditions, health care workers, long-term care facility residents and staff, emergency medical services, law enforcement, correctional officers, teachers and other school staff and funeral service workers are eligible for a vaccine in South Dakota.

The state will move towards Phase 2 in May, which will see all adults eligible for a vaccine.


Current phase: Adults 55 and older, those with high-risk comorbidities and caregivers of children with high-risk comorbidities, health care workers, residents and staff of long-term care facilities, first responders and K-12 and childcare staff and some other workers as defined by Phase 2 are eligible for a vaccine in Tennessee.

Adults in the state will be eligible for a vaccine by April 5.


Current phase: Individuals ages 50 and over, those 16 and older with high-risk medical conditions, in accordance with CDC directives, frontline health care workers, residents at long-term care facilities, and some education and childcare personnel are eligible for a vaccine in Texas.

Starting March 29, the vaccine will be available statewide for all adults

On March 29, the vaccine will be available for all Texans[/caption]


Current phase: Adults 50 and older, those 16 and older with certain underlying medical conditions, health care workers and first responders, long-term care facility staff and residents, and K-12 teachers and school staff are eligible for a vaccine in Utah.

Beginning March 24, all adults will be eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine.


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, those 16 and older with high-risk health conditions, health care personnel, residents of long-term care facilities, school staff and childcare workers, some public safety workers, are eligible for a vaccine in Vermont.

Starting March 25, adults 60 and older will be eligible for a vaccine, followed by those 55 and up starting March 29.


Current phase: Adults 65 and older, people 16 and older with underlying medical conditions, health care personnel, residents of long-term care facilities, people living in correctional facilities, homeless shelters and migrant labor camps and some essential workers defined in Phase 1c are eligible for a vaccine in Virginia.

The state will meet President Biden’s May 1 timeline for all adults to become eligible


Current phase: Individuals 65 and older, those 16 and older who are pregnant or have a disability that puts them at high risk for severe illness, people 50 and older who live in a multi-generational household are eligible for a vaccine in Washington.

Vaccines are also available to workers in health care settings, residents or staff of long-term care facilities, some educators and school and childcare staff, some high-risk critical workers in settings such as corrections and public transit, among others as defined by Phase 1b – Tier 2.

Beginning March 31, adults 60 and older, people 16 and older with two or more comorbidities and other critical workers will become eligible.

West Virginia

Current phase: Starting March 22, all West Virginians ages 16 and older are eligible for a vaccine in West Virginia.


Current phase: Adults ages 65 and older, those 16 and older with certain medical conditions, health care personnel, residents and staff of long-term care facilities and other congregate living facility staff and residents, educators and childcare workers, individuals enrolled in Medicaid long-term care programs and some public facing essential workers are eligible to receive a vaccine in Wisconsin.

The state will meet Biden’s May 1 deadline for all adults to become eligible. 

Starting March 22, all West Virginia adults are eligible for the vaccine[/caption]


Current phase: Adults 50 years and older, people with certain chronic conditions, health care workers, some frontline workers, residents and staff of long-term care facilities, individuals who live in group settings, individuals experiencing homelessness and caregivers of people who are medically vulnerable and unable to be vaccinated are eligible for a vaccine in Wyoming.

There is not date on when the state plans to move to the next state, which will likely open up eligibility to all adults.

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В Австралии прогнозируют потепление отношений с Россией после ухода Байдена

Девелоперы-лидеры по активности в медиа

Гребцы Архангельской области выступают на Всероссийских соревнованиях

АО «Транснефть - Север» в I полугодии 2024 года выполнило диагностику более 1 тыс. км трубопроводов в 4 регионах

Многолетнюю мерзлоту будут изучать в Амурской области

Санитарка областной больницы ночью спасла жизнь пациента

В рейтинге городов России по объемам ввода жилья Севастополь на 29 месте, Симферополь — 73

«Падает цена там, где она уже перегрета». В Симферополе цена на квартиры-малютки снизилась, в Севастополе — стабильно высокая

Круиз-викторина "Твоей истории негромкой мне дорог каждый уголок"

Дорогу, в провале которой в 2014 году погибли 6 человек, снова закрыли

«Денег нет, кормить нечем», – отец бросил в аэропорту Шереметьево двоих маленьких сыновей и улетел в другой город

Еще 780 метров ограждений вблизи железной дороги установили в Подмосковье

СК Москвы просит арестовать хозяина столичного кафе после массового отравления

«Сказал: «классно», улыбнулся и ушел», – 12-летняя школьница родила от 18-летнего парня, но тот лишь высмеял ее, а вскоре его не стало

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Анастасия Гасанова

Анастасия Гасанова выиграла золото и серебро на Кубке федерации тенниса России

«Сказал: «классно», улыбнулся и ушел», – 12-летняя школьница родила от 18-летнего парня, но тот лишь высмеял ее, а вскоре его не стало

Еще 780 метров ограждений вблизи железной дороги установили в Подмосковье

В авиаотрасли опровергли данные об отказе силовых установок упавшего SSJ

«Денег нет, кормить нечем», – отец бросил в аэропорту Шереметьево двоих маленьких сыновей и улетел в другой город