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Grey's Anatomy: 8 Underrated Romantic Scenes That Aren’t Talked About Enough


There are plenty of romantic scenes on Grey's Anatomy. So much so, that many of them fly under the radar. But which ones would fans say are the best?

The doctors of Grey's Anatomy have all been in pretty big relationships. Romance is a big part of the medical drama but while the spotlight has often been on couples like Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey, there are many other characters who stole the show in romantic scenes that aren't talked about enough.

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Setting aside the House of Candles and other "Pick me" moments, fans will recall many other times in the show where a romantic gesture wasn't necessarily big but it was nonetheless impactful.

8 Lexie Confessing Her Love To Mark

Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan did not have a particularly lucky relationship and they are characters Grey's Anatomy fans sorely miss. It is a terrible heartbreak that these two didn't get to see their love blossom fully, as they both died following a horrible plane crash that traumatized many doctors at Seattle Grace. But before they met this heartbreaking end, there was a scene in season 8 where Lexie just blurted out her love to Mark because she couldn't keep it in anymore.

"You're in me, it's like you're a disease like I'm infected by Mark Sloan," she awkwardly confessed before adding that she loved him so much she couldn't do or think about anything else. It was a perfect representation of how Lexie could get carried away by her emotions while also showing how deeply in love with Mark she was.

7 Burke's Vows

Before leaving Cristina Yang at the altar in season 3, Preston Burke practiced his wedding vows in the operating room in front of Addison Montgomery and Izzie Stevens. They weren't convinced by his speech until he said: "I am a heart man, so this I am sure: you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend. My heart beats for you."

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After he recited his vows, Addison joked that he should break up with Cristina and marry her instead. Unfortunately for Cristina, he did break up with her, but that doesn't change the fact that the vows he had in mind were extremely romantic, especially coming from a character that wasn't big on expressing his emotions.

6 Callie Helps Arizona with her leg pain

Arizona Robbins and Callie Torres had a beautiful love story on the show. It was one of the longest-running relationships on Grey's Anatomy before they got divorced in season 11. However, although they did not end up together, they did share a lot of very sweet moments. One of the most underrated ones happened in season 10 when Callie helped Arizona learn to rollerblade again.

The two went through a rough patch after Callie gave permission for the doctors to amputate Arizona's leg following a plane crash. Arizona was seen to struggle in the aftermath of the accident - especially since she confessed that she wouldn't be able to do things she used to enjoy, such as rollerskating. Although Callie and Arizona were still trying to repair their marriage in season 11, fans thought it was particularly sweet that Callie decided to help Arizona relearn how to skate because she wanted Arizona to still have those things to comfort her. This conversation was also the first time the duo had been honest with each other, which showed them taking a big step in fixing their marriage.

5 When Catherine Proposed To Richard

Catherine Avery has never been big on romantic gestures, but Richard Webber is all about them. So, when she messed up his intended proposal, Catherine decided to make up for it by putting on a show. In season 11, fans got to watch her ask Richard to marry her in front of the whole surgical floor with roses and fairy lights everywhere.

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That very public proposal was exactly the kind of gesture Webber had in mind when he talked romance with Catherine. While this scene may seem inconsequential, it cemented the commitment between Richard and Catherine. With her proposal, she stepped out of her comfort zone and showed her vulnerable side to profess her love for Richard in a way that she could not take back.

4 Ben Proposing To Bailey

Ben Warren and Miranda Bailey have the longest-running relationship on the show. They've been together through thick and thin, and many Grey's Anatomy fans turned out to be relationship goals. However, despite the strength of their relationship, fans seem to overlook the fact that these two often share adorable moments.

One of them occurred in season 8 when Ben proposed to Bailey. In true Ben and Bailey fashion, it happens while they are arguing. Ben had spent all day trying to propose to her through a crossword he had made for the occasion, but Bailey kept pushing it aside because of work. It may not appear to be a romantic scene because the proposal occurs in the midst of an argument, but the intent behind it is what's romantic. Plus, Bailey's reaction is priceless as she is completely stunned when she realizes why Ben was so adamant about doing the crossword. It's the beginning of a healthy marriage and a testament to how much romance will be instilled in their relationship.

3 "I Said I Love You! Me. Cristina Yang."

Owen Hunt and Cristina Yang had a stormy relationship that ultimately didn't work out, but they shared many sweet moments on Grey's Anatomy that often made them relationship goals. One of them was featured in their hideaway spot in the hospital, the vent room, where they would stand by the aeration vents and often share pivotal moments.

In season 5, during one of those scenes, Cristina decided to be open with Owen and confess how she felt about him. She stood before him in the vent room, admitted her feelings, and said: "I can't breathe... without you." It's a scene that should be talked about more because most fans know that Cristina doesn't really show her feelings to anyone. For Cristina, this was a rare moment of vulnerability that proved to fans how much she loved him.

2 The Night Before April And Jackson's Wedding

April and Jackson started off as friends before their relationship evolved into a love story, which subsequently turned into a divorce. But in the midst of all that, they shared some pretty romantic moments.

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However, one underrated scene between Jackson and April happened in season 12, in an episode that was actually centered around their entire love story and featured never-seen-before scenes from their eloped wedding. One of them features the couple the night before the wedding, unable to keep their hands off of each other and it's a very sweet moment that reminded fans how much April and Jackson once loved each other. It's also important because it illustrated the sheer desire they had for one another. It's something that was present within their relationship from the beginning, and it was important to show that it was part of why they wanted to get married.

1 The Post-It

Derek wanted a big wedding, Meredith didn't care about it as much. So instead, they shared a post-it note. Many fans of the show will bring up the House of Candles or the famous "Pick me" scene as the most iconic romantic moment between Derek and Meredith, but they shared many underrated ones too - like their non-wedding on a post-it note in season 5.

They didn't have time to go to city hall in the middle of a very busy day, so they made promises to each other on a piece of paper. It's not a big wedding ceremony like so many others on the show, but it's a defining moment in their relationship that remains very romantic. Indeed, it showed how Derek and Meredith played by their own rules and used to find romance even in the most unexpected of places.

NEXT: 10 Underrated Moments in Grey's Anatomy That Aren't Talked About Enough

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