Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday held a meeting with the top ministers in the Parliament over the Nagaland firing incident and the government's strategy in both Houses, the sources said.Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah will also give a statement on the firing incident in both the Houses of Parliament later in the day.Earlier today, several Opposition MPs in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha moved notices in their respective houses to discuss the firing incident in Nagaland in which at least 13 civilians died.Congress MPs Manickam Tagore and Manish Tewari have given adjournment motion notices in Lok Sabha over the matter, while Rajya Sabha MP Manoj Jha gave suspension of business notice "to discuss the matters related to the killing of innocent civilians in Nagaland".Meanwhile, a five-member Trinamool Congress (TMC) delegation including Rajya Sabha MP Sushmita Dev will be visiting Nagaland on Monday to meet the families of those who lost their lives and those who were injured in .