I spent a fortune on boy’s clothes after five scans said my baby was a son – then I had a girl
A MOTHER who spent around £400 on clothes for her baby boy was left stunned after giving birth to a baby girl.
Charlie Smith took to TikTok to share her story, in a video which documented her pregnancy – from her and her partner firing a gender reveal cannon with blue smoke, and her showing off her bump in a selfie with her “son”.
She also had a baby shower, where everyone was given blue cupcakes, and splashed out on incredible amount of clothes for her baby – including what appeared to be 16 blankets, 29 sleepsuits and 24 vests.
While some of them were white, so could have been used for a little girl, a lot of them were typical “boy” colours – navy and light blue.
Charlie had even shared a post worrying that she might be having a girl, writing: “Keep getting so worried that I’m actually going to give birth to a girl and have nothing for her ffs.”
Her video, which was accompanied by the TikTok favourite “Oh No” song, concluded with a picture of a large pink balloon display reading “It’s A Girl”, and a shot of her new baby daughter – Ellie Rai Rees.
Alongside the video, Charlie revealed she had “five scans” during the pregnancy – all of which suggested she was having a boy.
“I had 5 scans telling me it was a boy lol, also it’s your own decision if you want to find out your baby’s gender, nobody else gets a say,” she wrote.
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In the comments on the video, the majority of people responded by telling Charlie she should have purchased gender-neutral clothing, with one person writing: “I always get in unisex stuff just in case.
“We have always been told that it looks like not that it is. Been right so far but you just never know.”
Another added: “I’m due Wednesday, been told 3 times it’s a girl but I still believe I’m having a boy.”
And someone else wrote: “Mother’s instinct. I had the same, got told a girl until I gave birth to a boy.”
Elsewhere in the comments, Charlie revealed that she’s kept hold of some of the special items she’d brought for her “son”, in the hope that she’ll have a baby boy in the future.
“I kept everything personalised and special bits that were our favourites for hope in the future,” she wrote.
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