Maltese researchers developing device for tailor-made decompression readings
Researchers at the University of Malta are developing a new wearable device that will give tailor-made decompression readings to divers, potentially saving them from medical complications.
While divers generally have computers that give them a decompression schedule to ascend slowly from the depth, these are based on theoretical calculations based on the length of time and depth of the dive.
Lead researcher Joseph Caruana explained that when divers breathe compressed air, their body uses up the oxygen but the nitrogen is not, and it begins to exit the body only at shallower depths:
“It’s like opening up a fizzy drink,” Caruana said.
“If you open it up slowly the bubbles formed by gas will leave and everything should be okay, but if you open up too quickly, there might be complications.”
If divers spend a long time underwater and the nitrogen is absorbed by their tissue, they can develop nitrogen narcosis which affects their brain and alters consciousness in a way similar to as though they had consumed alcohol.
Coming up from underwater too fast can also cause decompression sickness. As the nitrogen bubbles trapped in the body can travel virtually anywhere within it, the symptoms...