10 Most Likable Characters In Final Fantasy VII Remake
When Final Fantasy 7 Remake came out, players were immediately taken by the extension and development of the characters and Midgar. A place that takes under two hours in the original game became a huge story point and way to develop characters who only held minor positions in Final Fantasy 7.
By learning more of their backstories and relationships, characters who previously had little-to-no impact on the gamer emotionally became huge touchpoints of the remake. While it's hard not to like almost all the characters in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, there are some who stand out more than others.
Johnny is, overall, the comic relief of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. He pops up in travels around Midgar, usually getting into trouble or yelling a sassy comment as he sprints away. Although he doesn't quite know what Avalanche is up to, he obviously suspects the group members aren't just normal citizens of Midgar.
Johnny is someone players enjoy and adds a light-hearted element to the sometimes depressing world of Midgar. He's eager to please, clearly fancies Tifa, and has just the right amount of comedy to be an enjoyable, but not annoying, addition to the game. Despite Cloud's evident dislike, Johnny obliviously inserts himself into the group with a carefree attitude and penchant for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Roche was a new addition to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake but instantly became popular from the moment he rode up on a swanky motorcycle. The drawling voice, dramatic flair, and love-hate banter he immediately throws at Cloud warmed players to the character's cheeky charm. Roche likes to pop up at random moments throughout Chapter 4 and challenge Cloud, giving the player another chance to work on their fighting skills and enjoy more of Roche's signature lines.
Roche was originally intended to be a simple mini-boss, but the team behind the character thought he could develop into something more interesting and be used as a plot device to explain more about the SOLDIER operatives fighting for Shinra. Players have no idea what more to expect of Roche (if anything) in Part Two, but for quite a random character, he's certainly already made a splash.
Red doesn't appear in the Final Fantasy 7 remake until near the end of the first installment, but there's plenty of promise he'll continue to be a major component of the franchise in Part 2. Despite not being in it for very long, Red leaves a lasting impression.
Though he's a gruff and grumpy character (and who could blame him considering he is the product of an experiment), there's something about Red that instantly appeals. Although not playable in the remake (yet), he is a great addition to the end game and intelligent character players should see a lot more of in Part 2.
The fourth core member of Avalanche, Wedge is loveable and the most easy-going member of the group. When Cloud meets Avalanche, Wedge is the one constantly trying to smooth over any little incident and playing the peacemaker, reassuring Cloud about Biggs' initial dismissiveness and Jessie's flirting, even when Cloud says he doesn't care.
One of the things that makes Wedge appeal the most to gamers is his simple, loving nature. He feeds the stray cats of Midgar and almost dies trying to save them at the end, proving he's an especially sweet character.
Just like Jessie and Wedge, Biggs gets a big upgrade from the original game to Final Fantasy 7 Remake. As another member of Avalanche and having grown up with Jessie and Wedge, between the three of them, players see a sibling-like relationship that's hard not to love. Although Biggs and Cloud don't gel as quickly as some of the other characters, by the end of the game when Biggs seemingly dies at the Mako Reactor, Cloud, and the players, are devastated.
The development of their relationship and Cloud being with Biggs at the end is easily one of the most emotional moments of the whole game, shocking those who didn't play the original Final Fantasy 7.
Jessie loves to tease. From the moment she appears at the start of the game, she takes great delight in pushing Cloud's buttons and making him uncomfortable by flirting outrageously (and mainly jokingly) with him. However, her character in Final Fantasy 7 Remake is better developed than in the original Final Fantasy 7. She is the engineer of Avalanche and the reason they manage to make it through different sectors and destroy the Mako Reactors. Jessie is a multi-layered character: intelligent, a fierce fighter, and, like the others, cares deeply for those around her. She is usually the most upbeat person in the game, bouncing around cheerfully and pumping up the other members of Avalanche. However, this masks a deeper layer of guilt she feels for the size of the explosion at Mako Reactor 1, which she believes is caused by the bombs she made.
The scene at Jessie's house where players learn of her parents and her Dad's sickness is a new edition for the remake and gives greater insight into her, Biggs, and Wedge's characters so that by the end of the game, her (possible) death hits far harder than in the original.
From the moment Barret bursts on-screen singing the theme tune and throwing his weight around, he is instantly likable. Those who haven't played the original Final Fantasy 7 may be fooled into thinking Barret is simply there for light comic relief (and guns). However, as the story develops, players learn of Barret's daughter, Marlene, his soft giant teddy bear side, and how he cares for the other, younger members of his group. Barret is the big, protective older brother who can't resist a cheeky comment or two, and players love him for it.
Tifa is the reason Cloud gets involved with Avalanche and their relationship dates back to childhood; from the very beginning, she is the character Cloud trusts the most and opens up to. Although she initially appears as a tough martial arts girl, Tifa is more than her awesome fighting ability.
Tifa can be quite shy and often shifts the attention off herself and onto others. Tifa seems to be the linchpin who keeps Avalanche together and the one Marlene trusts and clings to. Although strong, she also falls into the more motherly role in Avalanche and is very protective of the other members.
Aerith subverts a lot of the typical expectations for her type of character. She is sweet, soft-spoken, and easily painted as the damsel-in-distress of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. However, instead of falling into that stereotype, Aerith is a great support fighter, emotionally strong, and underneath the calm demeanor, she is one tough cookie who doesn't like being coddled. Throughout the game, Aerith shows herself to be a hugely selfless and deeply caring individual - in no small part due to her past experiences. When the plates are falling on Midgar, she rushes to help Avalanche and save Marlene, with no thought to her own mortality.
Although Aerith and Tifa are Cloud's two potential love interests, they respect each other and look out for one another in and out of battle. The only thing is that this, of course, makes the inevitable decision between the two even harder.
At the start of the game, Cloud Strife is a stereotypical 2000s emo child, from his overall look to his disinterested, "I don't care" sex appeal. But throughout the remake, he goes from moody and sullen to a character the others in the game care deeply for, and he for them, even if he's not always the best at showing it. By expanding Midgar and adding a bunch of side quests, Final Fantasy 7 Remake was able to flesh out all the characters and their relationships with each other.
As the game develops, so too do Cloud's feelings for Tifa and Aerith, and despite his flippant one-liners, Cloud's relationship with Biggs, Wedge, Barret, and Jessie becomes deeper and more meaningful. His hard exterior slowly chips away until at the end of the game he cares for those around him and is devastated by the deaths (or so he thinks) of some player favorites in the big finale.