The Twixfix Bloggers Whodunnit Xmas Quiz
Mike (Twixfix) is planning a festive Xmas quiz for regulars in the blog comment section and looking for help from his fellow contributors.
The questions will all be about matching bloggers to unusual, quirky or downright hilarious things they’ve done in their past and he’s hoping people can email him some interesting factoids.
In his own words…
I’m sure most bloggers have done something quirky in their past or received an award/achievement etc which, on the surface, may seem ‘out of character’ etc.
If possible could you put it out there that I’m compiling a Xmas quiz and would like to receive some blogger questions in the form of …. “Which Blogger (narrative/question)….?
If you could ask bloggers to email me their input (and answers) then I’ll collect and collate all the questions and set up a “Which Blogger” quiz.
I’m happy to put up a bottle of Scotch (via a voucher if necessary) for the winner etc…
My email address is …
Many thanks mate and UTW.
Mike ( Lord Twix )
So if you want to take part in Mike’s festive fun, get in touch and look out for the full quiz.