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Which Euphoria Character Are You, Based On Your Enneagram Type?


Part of the charm of HBO's hit drama series Euphoria is that all of the characters are painstakingly human. They are flawed and imperfect, which allows viewers to relate to them in a way they can't with most television characters. From Rue's isolation to Cassie's need for order and perfection, each character represents a trait fans can identify in themselves.

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The Enneagram Personality Test helps people figure out how they act outwardly and how they need to be treated by others. Each character on Euphoria can represent a different enneagram type, one that perfectly encapsulates their flaws as well as their strengths.

Tragically, Cassie Howard has been through a lot at such a young age; her parents' divorce, her father's drug addiction, and getting pregnant at 16. Through it all, one thing has remained very tried and true; all Cassie wants is to love and be loved, and she'll do whatever it takes to be happy and in love - even if it means hooking up with her best friend's ex-boyfriend.

Type 1's are perfectionists. They're harder on themselves than anyone else and need everyone to know just how hard they're trying. Cassie is the perfect example of this, getting up at 4 am every day to complete her perfect morning routine, doing whatever it takes to get people to see her, and wanting to be the best version of herself -- even if she isn't quite sure who that is yet.

Gia Bennett found her older sister at her lowest; overdosed on her bedroom floor fighting for her life. Still, Gia did what she could and got her sister help despite the massive amount of pain and trauma it caused her.

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Type 2's are caregivers. They want to help those around them and remind them just how much they're loved. Gia and her fellow type 2's feel whole when they are a shoulder to lean on and can help their loved ones work through their feelings and emotions. On the other end of the spectrum, type 2's feel broken and unwanted when people reject their helping hand, much like Gia does whenever Rue shuts her out or hides her addiction.

Nate Jacobs has always been running from himself, putting on a facade of the popular jock and perfect boyfriend when he is really struggling with his identity on the inside. Nate acts one way in public and another way behind closed doors. He is also motivated to work hard and not let any of his weaknesses show through.

Type 3's are performers. They are always ready to put on a show for anyone willing to watch. Type 3's are motivated and competitive, but also incredibly self-conscious and worried. Nate thinks he knows what he wants and is determined to get it, even if his judgment is often misguided. At the end of the day, all Nate is a villain who wants is to achieve his goals and face zero consequences for his actions, while most performers know that the curtain has to come down at some point.

Rue Bennett has felt lonely and isolated from a young age, turning to drugs to fill her void and feel like someone other than her anxious, worrisome self. Even when others express their concern for her well-being, Rue remains laser-focused on one thing; how she feels at any given moment.

Type 4's are individualists. Most of the time they have one thing on their mind; how to better themselves. 4's are self-aware enough to know when their behavior is damaging, but Rue hasn't quite learned how to rectify that. 4's are also deeply sensitive and romanticize their lives, something Rue leans into the minute she locks eyes with Jules.

Rue said it herself, Lexi Howard is an observer. She has often lived in the shadow of her older sister, Cassie, and pretended that her life really wasn't her own. Lexi writes her own story based on what she sees around her, even turning it into a play for the whole school to see.

Type 5's are observers. They love solving a good mystery (like Lexi assisting Rue in discovering what happened between Nate and Jules) and immerse themselves in a world of fantasy. Everyone around Lexi assumes she doesn't know what's happening, but that's far from the truth -- she's written it all down and is ready to expose everyone for who they truly are.

Ashtray can sense danger from a mile away. That's why he's so quick to attack Mouse when he senses that the business he's operating is shady, and remains alert whenever Cal comes by the liquor store. He's loyal to his brother and will protect him at all costs.

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Type 6's are loyalists. They crave safety and security, even if it isn't always an option for them. Ashtray embodies a 6 with his suspicion, alertness, and love for his family. Things haven't always been easy for him, but he tries his best to make things better for Fezco and himself with his unbending loyalty.

Jules Vaughn craves adventure and excitement. She knows that life is hard and frustrating, so she tries to seek joy in any way that she can. Whether that be attending a random party or getting on a train with little to no plan, Jules has always maintained that it's the journey that matters most to her, not the destination.

Type 7's are enthusiasts. They're looking to get the most out of life, wherever that leads them. They want to be friends with everyone they meet and spend as much time as they can being the life of the party. Jules has main character energy; as soon as she moves to town she is adored by almost everyone, mostly due to her infectious energy and zest for life.

Maddy Perez has always voiced her opinion, even if nobody asked for it. She's fiercely independent and a defender of her friends, but also knows to call them out when they're acting out of line.

Type 8's are challengers. They don't necessarily want to fight, they're just really good at it. Maddy wants everyone to know how in charge she is, and that what she says matters. She sticks up for herself to Nate, even if it doesn't end well, and calls out Kat when she is acting unlike herself. She also challenges Cassie's definition of friendship, knowing that she may lose a friend but will have won her own self-respect, which is more important than anything.

Fezco may have initially sold Rue drugs to support himself, Ash, and his grandmother, but now he will do anything to keep her from relapsing. He's a great friend and loyal support system, wanting nothing more than a life of love and stability surrounded by people who love him.

Type 9's are peacemakers. They're great at giving advice and holding people accountable. They want everyone to get along and to be on their best behavior. Fez's character has always been the steady head on Rue's shoulders, guiding her to make better decisions with his inspiring quotes and seeing her for who she can and will be, and not who she once was.

NEXT: 10 Things That Make No Sense In Euphoria Season 2

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