Wordle 274: March 20, 2022 Answer | Screen Rant
The March 20th Wordle answer is hoping to refresh some players' faith in the game. Wordle is a word-guessing game that has gained popularity all throughout 2022 with its once-a-day puzzle, simple gameplay, and excellent social media sharing ability. The game has quickly become a staple in many peoples' morning routines.
Wordle is played on a 5x6 grid of boxes and players are tasked with guessing a five-letter word chosen at random each day. When a player makes their guess the game will highlight the letters to give clues to the correct word. If a letter is highlighted in green the letter is correct, yellow means the letter is correct but in the wrong position, and grey means the letter is completely incorrect. Players need to take this knowledge and continue guessing words until the correct answer is found, or they run out of chances. Normally, any word is allowed to be guessed, but Wordle also has a Hard Mode that can be accessed through the options menu. This mode forces players to use the clues given in previous answers which requires a little more critical thinking to achieve the correct answer.
Wordle's most popular feature seems to be its sharing ability. Whenever a player is finished with their daily puzzle they can copy the results and upload them onto any social media site of their choice. Wordle uses small emoji boxes that represent the player's journey without spoiling the actual words guessed. This ambiguous design choice only helped draw more players into the game and created a bit of competitiveness with players showing off how fast they solved the days' puzzle.
Before directly giving away the answer to today's Wordle, we have provided a few hints for those players who still wish to get it on their own but just need a little help.
- Hint 1: Today's Wordle contains a repeated letter.
- Hint 2: To regenerate or restore to freshness.
- Hint 3: Today's answer could extend something for a longer period of time.
The March 20th Wordle answer is RENEW. For our starting word today, we used IRATE which provided an incorrectly placed 'R' and 'E'. Our second guess was REPEL which helped lock in the 'R' and 'E' and showed a second 'E' in the correct position. There were only so many words available after the second guess so our third word was RESEW, this solidified the answer and we got RENEW in four guesses.