Pakistan's National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser has summoned a session of the Lower House at the Parliament in Islamabad on March 25 for a no-trust motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan."Pakistan's National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser has summoned a session of the Lower House at the Parliament House in Islamabad on Friday at 11 a.m," Radio Pakistan reported on Sunday.The leadership of Pakistan opposition parties has asked their parliamentarians to stay put in Islamabad to ensure their presence in the National Assembly session ahead of the voting for the no-trust motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan.According to the opposition leaders, the speaker of the lower house of the parliament could convene the assembly session any time and directed the lawmakers belonging to their parties to stay put in Islamabad, ARY News reported.The Opposition parties in Pakistan are jettisoning mutual hatred to oust Imran Khan as they submitted the no-trust motion in the National Assembly ...