Mental wellness at the workplace
Over the last couple of years, more people than ever before have been asking themselves ‘What is mental health?’
It is a great question to ask, and a welcome shift from an older paradigm where mental health concerns were previously only addressed in the case of serious illness.
Mental health is increasingly becoming part of our daily concern; partly out of necessity, because we are suffering the effects of a lifestyle that has put increased stress on our well-being. But the other part is aspirational: we are beginning to realise that mental health is not just about illness, it is a daily reminder of some of the most important things in our life.
This newfound search to answer the question ‘what is mental health?’ has created fertile ground for us to re-examine how different aspects of our life may impact our well-being.
There are plenty of life situations that may not result in serious mental health issues but which may nonetheless have a significant damaging impact on our lives. We are paying attention to these impacts and wondering if it is all worth it.
Perhaps one of the aspects that has come under most examination is our work. Globally we have experienced the ‘Great...