Multi-million dollar grant to help build Habitat for Humanity homes in Acadiana
LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) - Habitat for Humanity organizations across the U.S. received a grant for $46 million from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, and Lafayette's branch of the organization is using their fair share of $2.5 million to help provide affordable homes to families in Acadiana.
"We partner with families that have a need for housing. Whether they are renting or poor living conditions or overcrowded," said Lindy LeBlanc with Lafayette Habitat for Humanity.
LeBlanc said a three-bedroom house costs about $125,000. Before any qualified home buyer purchases a home, they must go through a first-time home buyer's course. The process includes financial education, budgeting, and homeownership classes, according to LeBlanc.
Because the organization focuses on affordable homes, the multi-million dollar grant halted the hassle of inflation due to the pandemic.
"It also signals that substantial resources need to be devoted more to owner-occupied housing," said LeBlanc.
Currently, volunteers are working in the McCombe Veazey neighborhood in Lafayette. LeBlanc said they are in the process of developing homes in nearby neighborhoods.