LIST: Most and least popular dog names in Franklin County
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — The Franklin County Auditor is giving local canine owners some fun, lighthearted reminders that the County's dog license registration deadline is Thursday, March 31.
Staff members from the Auditor’s office will be in the lobby of the Franklin County courthouse at 373 S. High St., Wednesday until 4 p.m. and Thursday from 8 a.m. until noon to assist owners with last-minute dog license registration, according to a release.
Along with dog license registration services in the courthouse lobby, staff members will have with them "a cute adoptable puppy with us that has yet to be named." The Auditor's office is asking for help from viewers to name the puppy and to find the dog "a fur-ever home."
Owners can also purchase or renew a license for their four-legged friend online at
Additionally, the office released a list of the top five dog names in Franklin County, adding that "the most popular hasn’t changed in several years."
#5 - Charlie
#4 - Daisy
#3 - Max
#2 - Lucy
#1 - Belle
The office included some of the least popular names that all have only one license issued in Franklin County:
- Wyatt Earp
- Winston Purchill
- Tito Burrito
- Ted Lasso
- Sir Waggington
- Rosencrantz
- Ozzy Pawsbourne
- Mayor McCheese
- Jean Luc Picard
- Boutros Boutros-Ghali (former UN General Secretary)
Also noted was a rise in seemingly "Game of Thrones" related names:
- 52 Aryas
- 26 Khaleesis
- 17 Sansas
- 13 Tyrions
- 4 Hodors
- 1 Jon Snow
- 1 Serr Bronn
And a strong showing of Ohio State-related names:
- 375 Brutus's
- 184 Buckeyes
- 119 Scarletts
- 31 Sloopys
The Auditor's Office notes that dog owners can renew their dog license without penalty through the March 31 deadline. A dog license is required by state law and helps lost dogs get returned to owners. Licensing fees support the Franklin County Dog Shelter.