Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: How To Respec Your Fatemaker
There are all sorts of skills, builds, and multiclass options in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, and players can respec their Fatemakers however they choose. Respeccing is the process of redistributing points that were previously assigned to various skills and perks, which can lead to ideal builds as Fatemakers experiment with their options. Whether it's for testing purposes, seeking the perfect endgame build, or pure recreational mayhem, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands doesn't allow hold players back from making sure their Hero is designed as intended.
The only thing that can't be changed is the class chosen during the character creation stage in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. All Hero and Skill points can be reassigned, however, which makes it much easier to solidify any playstyle that Fatemakers have found they prefer along the way. Alternatively, respeccing a character is also perfect for those times when a button or key was accidentally pressed, resulting in a Hero or Skill point being mistakenly assigned to the wrong feature.
Before players can respec their Fatemaker, they'll have to progress through the story a bit until the Kingdom of Brighthoof is available as a base of operations. This is relatively soon into the game's beginning, as the first couple of missions bring players to the aid of Queen Butt Stallion in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, otherwise known as the ruler of Brighthoof. Shortly after the Kingdom is saved, the Fatemaker will be taken on a tour to review the local shops, including Izzy's Fizzies soda bar.
Inside Izzy's Fizzies soda bar is a Quick Change Machine that provides players with the ability to alter nearly everything about their character. Hairstyles, voice tons, and every other cosmetic feature can be changed for free at the Quick Change Machine, and it's also the place where Fatemakers can respec their skills and stats. Unlike the cosmetic features, however, changing skills and stats will cost players 10% of their earnings, no matter how much Gold they have in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. It's definitely best to save respeccing for the endgame where every little bit helps, particularly because that's also when players can change their multiclass option.
While the first class cannot be changed in the game, Fatemakers unlock the ability to change their multiclass option after beating the main story of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Fatemakers may find it best to take note of what they wish to keep or change by the time they reach the endgame content, then respeccing appropriately once they reach the ability to use the Chaos Chamber. The Chaos Chamber is a randomized dungeon full of random enemies, bosses, and challenges, and it's designed to be the best postgame activity in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Respeccing the Fatemaker before taking on the Chaos Chamber will ensure that players are both prepared for the challenge while having saved any unnecessary Gold spending earlier in the game.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is available now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC via the Epic Games Store.