This one word says it all: "umoja". The term from the Ugandan national language Swahili translates as "unity". And that's exactly what it's all about. Undertaking something together, achieving something together, taking a stance together. The story of how TSG Hoffenheim came to create the textile and lifestyle brand "umoja" can best be told by the brand name itself. Giving something and taking action – specially to help the people and the environment on the African continent – is the message contained in these five small letters that together carry such a great meaning. "umoja" wants to inspire, raise awareness and bring this feeling to life here too. "umoja" wants to encourage people to join in and let them become partners. Because everyone can and should get involved – everyone, together. Sports helps us to bring us in motion together, and together we want to work to achieve sustainable development – in Germany, in Africa and across the world.
The "umoja" collection is 100% manufactured in Uganda. The cotton is grown and harvested in the Kasese region in the west of the country and is "Cotton made in Africa" certified. This high-quality certification means, for example, that only small farmers are involved who exclusively practice rainfed agriculture – i.e. without artificial irrigation. Child and forced labour are prohibited, there is pay parity between men and women, and there is no use of genetically modified seeds.