Elden Ring: All Stonesword Key Locations In Caelid | Screen Rant
Stonesword Keys are a rare and precious resource in Elden Ring that Tarnished need to collect to access hidden areas, and the rot-stricken region of Caelid contains six of these keys. The first and most accessible Stonesword Key in Caeild can be found in the province's southern side near the Map Fragment's obelisk. A Nomadic Merchant camped by the roadside sells a variety of Elden Ring apparel, arrows, and items, including a Stonesword Key for 4,000 Runes.
Caelid's second key is located in Gaol Cave, a tunnel prison near Fort Gael in the southeast. Tarnished travelers can reach this location by going directly south from the Rotview Balcony Site of Grace. However, keep in mind that two Stonesword Keys are required to dispel the Imp Statue Seal of the cavern's entrance. Players must venture through Gaol Cave's tunnels to find a lever that opens all the doors in the prison. Backtrack to the open cells to find a small room with lootable corpses holding the Wakizashi Dagger and the Stonesword Key.
The third Stonesword Key in Caelid can be discovered in Sellia, Town of Sorcery. A corpse with the key hangs off of the arch of the southern entrance to the town. To climb atop the rooftops, Tarnished pilgrims must head to the northern side of the Sellia with the Golden Seed Tree. Here, they will find several branches and roots which can be used to cross over the roofs and pick up the key.
Caelid's fourth Stonesword Key is also out in the open world, west of Fort Faroth and south of the giant Dragon Greyoll. Atop a gigantic, gray rock resembling sea coral, Tarnished will find several corpses lying about, one of which with a key. Finally, the region's fifth Stonesword Key isn't too far away, located on the Divine Tower of Caelid in Dragonburrow. Players can reach this landmark by trekking directly north of the Dragonburrow Map Fragment's pillar. Climb the tower using the exterior ledges and head over to the eastern side. Past the ladder leading to the top, Tarnished will encounter a Greatshield-wielding Godrick Knight guarding a corpse with the Stonesword Key.
The sixth and final Stonesword Key in Caelid is quite challenging to obtain, requiring a series of steps. First, travel down into Siofra River and ride to the northeasternmost point of the underground region known as the Deep Siofra Well. Activating the Well's lift requires two Stonesword Keys. Next, ride up the elevator to the overground and head down the southwestern trail in the canyon. A corpse with the last key guarded by a Lesser Runebear in Elden Ring will be hanging off the cliff edge.
Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.