Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 10 Best Side Quests | ScreenRant
For the past few years, there has been a breadth of open world games with detailed environments, histories, and characters to help drive engagement in the story and the world presented. There are few games that do it better than Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.
From the moment you're thrown into the life of the Misthios, the player is given the opportunity to explore everything. All across the maps are bounties, battles, and side quests galore. To make matters more engaging, some of those side quests are the bests you'll find in a game.
10 Happily Ever After?
There are few more characters in Odyssey that are more fun than Alkibiades. He spends the vast majority of his time in the game socializing, enjoying life, and flirting with the misthios as often as he can. So, by the end of his side quest line, it is fun to discover that Alkibiades finally managed to achieve his happy ending.
Of course, it turns out to be a lie, and his to-be-bride is actually using him for his money, fame, and chance for royalty. The player can then choose to share the secret with Alkibiades, or else let him live in comfort. It's also a great opportunity to learn the reasons behind Alkibiades' schemes, which brings an added and somewhat necessary depth to a character that might otherwise have been one-note.
9 The Grand Minotaur
It's hard to be a traveler and not find yourself scammed every once in a while, and the protagonist of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey finds that out the hard way. In Pephka, a little boy offers the Misthios a tour to help teach warriors to kill the minotaur. The boy then sells a fake elixir to the player, then has his associates threaten the player for more coins.
Encountering scam artists is entirely realistic for a renowned traveler like the Eagle-Bearer. Even as one of the most powerful assassins in Assassin's Creed Alexios/Kassandra is still willing to help, but the game soon shows players immerse that not all civilians are above board. At least fans can enjoy the opportunity to beat some of the scammers before they can threaten any of the other warriors of Greece, which is always fun.
8 The Goddesses' Hunt
Many of the hardest battles in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey can be found in this one questline. From the Erymanthian Boar to Kallisto the Bear to the Krokottas Hyena, nothing comes easy when you're trying to please the Goddess of the Hunt.
Each battle with the chosen beasts is more difficult than the last, but all are fun fights with fresh mechanics that reward unique playstyles and careful skill tree management. In the end, fans are granted the opportunity to participate in a fight to earn the loyalty of the Daughters of Artemis, which grants them the opportunity to add Artemis' most loyal soldiers to their crew.
7 Righting a Wrong
In this side quest, fans have the opportunity to uncover a mercenary masquerading as the game's protagonist. It's an entirely unique storyline that manages to build investment in an otherwise inconsequential story simply by questioning the reputation that the player has been building since the start of the game.
Another enthralling part of the mission is the layout of the village of Alponos, which makes traversing even through populated areas a challenge while trying to hunt the imposter and defend the city from pirates. There's a lot of fun layers to this mission, and it makes the ending all the more sweet.
6 Sacred Favors
For fans with a love of Greek history and the many historical figures encountered in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, this quest will be sure to impress. After the misthios delivers a feast to a band of Spartans, players will likely be quick to notice the Trojan horse nearby. Indeed, the Athenians launch an ambush attack, replicating the Greek attack during the Trojan War.
It's a fun mission that manages to tie history and legend into an ongoing in-game event that easily starts and wraps up in one quick quest. It also gives fans the opportunity to see their chosen player character drink with their fellow Spartans, giving the opportunity for some light comic relief.
5 Bleeding Hearts and Stolen Money
In another mission with a romantic element, the misthios works alongside a rebel by the name of Kyra, who urges the player to aid her in her rebellion. The player is then tasked with stealing from a fort through whatever means necessary — or, in classic Assassin's Creed style, killing everyone inside.
In another moment of tragedy for the series, even after romancing Kyra in a previous quest, the rebel may outright reject the misthios if the player chooses to kill another character and reveal the truth to her. For fans hoping to see a recurring relationship, this is surely a disappointing end to an otherwise fun quest. Still, the disappointment doesn't stop it from being one of the best missions in the game.
4 The Great Contender
For many fans, part of the power fantasy of Assassin's Creed is knowing that they're playing one of the greatest assassins to ever live. In Odyssey, they get the chance to prove it. The misthios is set into an island-wide battle against dozens of high-level enemies all vying to prove themselves the greatest to ever live.
For fans of the battles in Odyssey, this is a can't-miss mission on a huge battlefield that gives opponents the chance to hide, take cover, and fight back against the players. It's a unique experience in the game and really tests your mettle as an assassin and a warrior.
3 A Call To Arms
Another side quest built for those who enjoy battle, this mission allows the misthios to side with a Spartan Polemarch in his battle against the Athenians. Players are encouraged to kill enemy soldiers and captains while fighting alongside allied Spartan soldiers.
While it's nothing that can't be experienced in other battles, the gameplay of Odyssey is at its best when players are allowed to take advantage of the wide array of options in their skill trees. Conquest Battles are the easiest place to find the necessary challenge, while this unique mission also gives players the ability to participate in the Battle of One Hundred Hands.
2 Ambition
There's nothing more fun in Odyssey than taking on forts alone. This is the quest that rewards you for it. While there's nothing particularly inventive about this mission and its subsequent follow-ups, it's still a lot of fun to hunt down the Athenian Polemarchs and knock down some of the most well-guarded men in Greece.
This mission also encourages players to visit some of the best places in Assassin's Creed Odyssey along the way, as the Polemarchs can be found all over the available world. It's a great excuse to just explore and enjoy the gameplay for a while whenever you might need a break from the main story.
1 They Just Want Cruelty
Besides having the best name of any side quest in the game, accepting this quest gives fans access to the Arena. There, they are pitted against five champions and several waves of enemies.
While not hugely consequential, the chance to fight in an arena against the finest warriors of Greece is one that's hard to turn up. Fans can routinely return to the Arena as they progress further in the game and test their abilities against high-level opponents. Victors in the arena receive a nice experience boost and a metric ton of gold, so it's definitely worthwhile and can be a nice break from some of the repetition of the game.