Syngenta enhances WeevilTrak with assurance program
For the 2022 annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) season, Syngenta has introduced the first guarantee for control of ABW, all white grub species and turf caterpillars with the WeevilTrak ABW assurance program.
The WeevilTrak ABW assurance program is guaranteed by following the company’s Annual Bluegrass Weevil Optimum Control Strategy and WeevilTrak.
“Our research has shown that 94 percent of WeevilTrak subscribers value an assurance program for ABW, grubs and turf caterpillars, so we are excited to offer this guarantee to help superintendents feel confident about their control,” said Stephanie Schwenke, market manager for turf with Syngenta.
WeevilTrak is supported by 11 leading entomologists, turfgrass consultants and superintendents to track ABW all season by monitoring:
- Growing degree day (GDD) accumulations
- Timing of first appearance of ABW adults
- Development of ABW larvae
- Phenological plant indicators
To qualify for the assurance, superintendents must be registered WeevilTrak users, following at least one course and making product applications at the rates stated in the Optimum Control Strategy.
If acceptable ABW control is not achieved or unexpected turf damage occurs, the user needs to contact their local Syngenta territory manager to review the performance of the Optimum Control Strategy, to confirm product recommendations and timing were followed, and that the resulting damage is due to ABW feeding.
“Proper application timing is absolutely critical for successful ABW control,” said Mike Agnew, Ph.D., technical services manager for Syngenta. “The treatment protocol outlined in the assurance, in conjunction with WeevilTrak alerts and independent scouting, provides the strongest protection all season.”
Along with the assurance, WeevilTrak continues to feature monitoring updates, digital tools and ongoing insights from researchers via the WeevilTrak blog.
Syngenta has also added monitoring sites in two states, including:
- Kings Mill Resort in Williamsburg, Va.
- Cannon Golf Club in Lothian, Md.
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