Today in Science a slew of papers have been published from the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium. The flagship paper details the generation of a complete genome assembly from a Complete Hydatiform Mole (CHM) cell line which is telomere-to-telomere for all 22 autosomes plus X (assembly T2T-CHM13); the companion papers apply this groundbreaking assembly to a number of biological questions. PacBio CSO Jonas Korlach and I chatted yesterday about the PacBio contribution to the flagship as well as two of the other papers, as well as another T2T preprint on automated assembly and a related paper from Heng Li and colleagues that recently appeared in Nature Biotechnology. I did not have advance access to the T2T paper but it had appeared in preprint form and Jonas assured me that no substantial information was added in the published version. Read more »