I'm a fatty, which therefore means that I'm hungry all the time. In my younger days, my metabolism and constant activity allowed me to maintain a svelte, Bruce Lee-esque physique. Nowadays, cranking out posts for Razzball in my mom's basement has meant that the scale flashes CAN NOT COMPUTE when I step on it. I've started to excercise more and am trying to diet but I am still but a human. As I was scrolling through the NFBC ADP, I came across Mike Yastrzemski and became intrigued, and it's not just because his name made me think of deli meat. Well, it is close to lunch time so that may have had something to do with it. Anyways, digging into Yastrzemski was akin to going to Katz's Deli, ordering a sandwich, then realizing that the cashier gave me a discount.