Conservatives Are Fake Mad At Jill Biden’s ‘Breakfast Tacos’ Remark. Don’t They Remember Trump?
First lady of the United States, Jill Biden, speaks during the press conference for the 2022 Met Gala celebrating “In America: An Anthology of Fashion” at Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 2, 2022, in New York City. | Source: Slaven Vlasic / Getty
By now, many of you have heard about First lady Jill Biden‘s speech at the 2022 UnidosUS Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, during which she compared the diversity of the “Latinx” community to the uniqueness of the breakfast tacos there. She was praising the work of UnidosUS President Raul Yzaguirre.
Once again, Dr. Jill Biden butchers the Spanish language in furtherance of pandering to a client constituency (the org FKA National Council of La Raza). I hereby bless your timelines with Dr. Jill's rendering of "bodega".
— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) July 11, 2022
“Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength,” Biden said (while caucasically mispronouncing “bodega”).
First, I need to point out one thing: At worst, this is some garden variety white people sh**. This is white people in Mexican restaurants making it a point to roll their tongues while ordering a burrito and then looking at their server like they’re expecting a smiley face sticker. This is white people butchering the Spanish language while speaking to their Latino neighbors who speak fluent English. This is beta-basic white people cringe, which is why it’s weird that so many white Americans are even coming at Biden over it—especially white conservatives.
Seriously, how are they even weighing in?
Jill Biden just said Hispanics are as “unique” as tacos.
This isn’t Veep. Which White House speechwriter just won a bet for getting the First Lady to say something like this?
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 11, 2022
Remember that time when Jill Biden said Hispanic people are unique like tacos?
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) July 12, 2022
The only thing that would've made Jill Biden saying hispanics were, "as diverse as breakfast tacos" is if she followed up with, "End of quote. Repeat the line."
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 11, 2022
Jill Biden came to Texas to tell the Hispanic community that we’re as “unique as breakfast tacos”.
The fact that someone actually approved her to say that line in her speech and that NO ONE saw an issue with it is wild.
They’re going to be at a 5% Hispanic approval rating soon.
— Irene Armendariz-Jackson For Congress (@ArmendarizDis16) July 12, 2022
Here’s Black GOP congressional candidate Lavern Spicer having the sunken place nerve to complain about this while serving as another Republican lackey for pseudo diversity of a largely white nationalist party.
Jill Biden just called Hispanics "unique as breakfast tacos".
You know she's about to come to the hood and call us Blacks "refreshing as watermelon and Ciroc".
— Lavern Spicer (@lavern_spicer) July 12, 2022
First of all, it’s worth mentioning that Biden didn’t actually call Hispanics breakfast tacos. In context, she just said the diversity in the San Antonio community was as unique as the city’s variety of breakfast tacos. People (and Fox News, of course) are drawing a connection between “Hispanics” (which she didn’t mention specifically) and “tacos” when it’s entirely possible that the city simply has a nice selection of breakfast tacos.
Either way, let’s be real about one thing: Conservatives are fake mad.
Where was this energy when Donald Trump was calling African nations “sh*thole countries” or when he was mocking a disabled reporter or when he told Black and brown congresswoman who were born and/or raised in America to go back where they came from?
These examples amount to a footnote in the encyclopedia collection-size record of Trump saying bigoted things that conservatives either cheered on or fell all over themselves to justify.
They’re acting like Biden came out and said: “When San Antonio sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Biden’s comment—which she has since apologized for—was a typical misguided attempt by white people to identify with people of another race. Trump and a myriad of conservative politicians, pundits and civilians have spent generations proudly saying things that range from dog-whistling to blatant racism. And when Black and brown people call them out on it, the same people fake huffing and puffing over what Biden said roll their eyes at us and call us “race baiters” and/or continue their bastardization of the word “woke.”
Their hypocrisy is as loud as their white fragility and they really need to sit this one all the way out.
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