4 out of 5 travelers say they've hit snags like soaring prices, long waits, and cancellations in 2022
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- Nearly 80% of people who have traveled this year have experienced some kind of problem, according to a survey.
- High prices, long waits, and poor customer service were the most common issues.
- Do you have a story to share about traveling in 2022? Contact this reporter at tlevin@insider.com
The theme of summer travel this year: Chaos.
Airlines have canceled and delayed flights by the thousands. Rental cars are expensive and in short supply. And periods of $5-per-gallon gas have jacked up the price for a simple family road trip.
According to a new survey released this week from Bankrate, 79% of US travelers who have taken an overnight trip in 2022 have experienced at least one problem.
The most common issue shouldn't come as a surprise in this era of inflation: 57% of respondents said they faced higher prices than they were accustomed to. Twenty-nine percent reported long wait times, while 27% said they experienced bad customer service.
The next most frequent snag was slim availability in areas like lodging, airline tickets, and rental cars, which 26% of respondents contended with. Fourteen percent said they had lost money due to cancelled or disrupted plans, and 4% reported other problems.
The survey backs up a slew of nightmarish anecdotes that paint a picture of an especially hectic summer travel season. Ongoing shortages of airline workers and lingering inflation are conspiring against travelers looking to enjoy themselves as the pandemic gradually subsides.
The trouble may stick around a while longer, Bankrate senior industry analyst Ted Rossman said in a statement.
"While many Americans are excited to travel again after being cooped up for the past couple of years due to the pandemic, they're encountering substantially higher costs and lengthy waits," he said. "The situation may get worse before it gets better as pent-up demand is unleashed this summer. High demand is combining with the hottest inflation readings in four decades and ongoing staffing shortages."