Nintendo Gives Switch Warning As Temperatures Rise Overseas
Heatwaves are popping up all over the world right now. We’ve been told that Kotaku US HQ in New York is currently sweltering in 32 degrees. It’s a far cry from what we’re experiencing here on the East Coast of Australia, where it’s currently 8°C in Sydney. Similar temperatures are being predicted for Nintendo’s home in Kyoto, Japan next week, while mainland Europe has already experienced a record-breaking lethal heatwave during June, set to pick up again this weekend. Hopefully, the Switch Pro will be designed with a hotter planet in mind.気温が高い場所でNintendo Switchを使用すると、本体の温度が高くなる場合があります。5~35℃の場所で使用してください。
— 任天堂サポート (@nintendo_cs) July 11, 2022
The post Nintendo Gives Switch Warning As Temperatures Rise Overseas appeared first on Kotaku Australia.