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Republicans gear up to impeach Biden in GOP majority House


Several times already, firebrand Republicans have introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden in the U.S. House. There's been literally zero chance that they would advance, given the lockstep control Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi exercises over her party. But widely expected by analysts is that the GOP will retake that majority in the 2022 midterms.…

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Joe Biden meets with the New Democrat Coalition in the Roosevelt Room, Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at the White House. (Official White House photo by Erin Scott)

Joe Biden meets with the New Democrat Coalition in the Roosevelt Room, Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at the White House. (Official White House photo by Erin Scott)

Several times already, firebrand Republicans have introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden in the U.S. House.

There's been literally zero chance that they would advance, given the lockstep control Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi exercises over her party.

But widely expected by analysts is that the GOP will retake that majority in the 2022 midterms.

And the Daily Mail is documenting that GOP members already "are signaling that they'll make impeaching President Joe Biden a priority if their party wins control of the House."

"The last year and a half has seen multiple GOP lawmakers accuse Biden of 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' primarily over the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal and the continuing crisis on the southern border with Mexico," the report said.

Those criticisms, and impeachment strategies, however, "had no chance…"

But now, only weeks before the November vote, and the expectation that the GOP will be the majority, "conservative lawmakers are making clear that ousting the president is one of their top priorities."

That's even though a replacement then would be Kamala Harris. And while Joe Biden was considered by critics Barack Obama's best protection against impeachment, Harris likely has been considered by political observers to serve the same function for Biden.

But the plans are there.

The report confirmed U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who previously introduced such articles, will be doing so again.

The member of Congress thinks impeachment, spokesman Nick Dyer said, "should happen as soon as possible."

The report added that Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said on social media that the impeachment targets will include more than "just Biden."

His office also identified Biden's Homeland Security secretary, and mentioned the attorney general.

Texas Rep. Chip Roy's office noted he's already made statements about impeachments.

"Over the past several months, President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II, endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process," Roy said recently.

And, the Daily Mail reported, Illinois conservative Rep. Mary Miller has called for the president's departure, over the ISIS-K suicide bomber who killed nearly 200 people including 13 U.S. service members outside of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul in the midst of the American military's evacuation.

Miller described Biden's term in office as, "the biggest national security failure in the history of our country. I’ve called for immediate oversight hearings on the mismanagement of the withdrawal from Afghanistan in addition to the impeachment of Biden and other top Pentagon officials."

House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, a likely candidate for speaker if the GOP is the majority, has promised he wouldn't impeach Biden for "political" purposes, but would not rule out the move entirely.

The Mail reported his perspective is that, "We’re going to uphold the law. At any time, if someone breaks the law and the ramification becomes impeachment, we would move towards that."

WND columnist Wayne Allen Root already has brought up the subject.

"No one is even bothering to hide it. President Joe Biden is clearly a suicide bomber, owned by the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican drug cartel, and put in place to destroy America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and most importantly, the great American middle class," he said.

"Biden is destroying America by opening its borders to millions of migrants and, worse, criminals from all over the world. This is about bankrupting our country and raising the national debt to levels that overwhelm the system and collapse the economy," he said. "Biden's actions since day one of his presidency have been open treason."

He said, "It's time to impeach Biden, then remove him on grounds of treason. Then he must be indicted for his crimes against America and the American people."

Multiple polls have revealed a massive unrest among the American people with Biden's performance.

A poll from the Independent Women's Voice revealed that 67% of Americans say Biden should be impeached if Hunter Biden's corruption is proven.

Joe Biden's son already admitted being under federal investigation and the scandals over his apparent selling access to Joe Biden, as vice president and now as president, are extensive.

It was Stephen Miller, who now leads America First Legal, said Biden's immigration crisis is a "completely impeachable" offense.

"What this president has done is he has turned Congress into a mere suggestion box," Miller told host Mark Levin. "The entire Immigration and Nationality Act, which governs who can enter our country, how you apply for a visa, what rules you have to comply with, where you have to apply from – that entire system has been rubbished and trashed by this president as though he were an emperor."

And the results of a Rasmussen poll on the topic found half the country – and this already was months ago – backing impeachment for Biden, including more than one-third of Democrats.

It was about a year ago that Greene filed an impeachment strategy in the House. But the failed, as did a similar plan from Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo.

Her resolution against Biden was co-sponsored by fellow conservative Republican Reps. Andy Biggs, Jeff Duncan, Ralph Norman, Louie Gohmert and Jody Hice.

These challenges to Biden don't even include the multiple public concerns being raised about his cognitive failings, which have been on public display over and over.

IMPORTANT NOTE: How is it possible that the greatest and freest nation in world history has so rapidly come under the control of serially lying, deranged, power-mad sociopaths – leaders with nothing but contempt for America, for its history, its Constitution, its Judeo-Christian culture and its people? Orwell’s “1984” points directly to the answer: The elites are changing America’s language itself, so that people’s words – and therefore, their very thoughts – inevitably come under the control of the ruling class. It’s a way of bending reality in real time, so that what is illusion appears to be true, while what is real and true appears to be lies, misinformation, “hate speech,” “conspiracy theories” and “extremism.” This extraordinarily powerful but little-understood weapon of war employed 24/7 by the Marxist left is completely explained, exposed and exploded in the August issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, “NEWSPEAK 2022: How tyrants and lunatics are enslaving Americans by redefining everything.”

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The post Republicans gear up to impeach Biden in GOP majority House appeared first on WND.

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