The “Tales of the Jedi” Trailer Teases the Life Stories of Iconic Star Wars Characters
A new animated series is gracing the Star Wars universe, and the official trailer has just dropped at D23. Six original shorts entitled “Tales of the Jedi” are coming to Disney Plus, each one telling the story of a different iconic Jedi – including Anakin Skywalker’s former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and the power-hungry Sith Lord, Count Dooku. The first season will focus mainly on these two, with each character getting three 15-minute-long episodes devoted to their backstories.
Dave Filoni, the executive producer from “The Mandalorian,” is the creator behind the series, working alongside Charles Murray to help the shorts reach their full potential. In addition to “Tales of the Jedi,” Filoni also has another Star Wars series coming out next year entitled “Ahsoka,” where some of these animated characters will be brought to life.
Until then, read on to find out everything you need to know about “Tales of the Jedi,” and get ready to delve even deeper into the galaxy.