Voters rebuke Biden over his anti-MAGA agenda
Joe Biden walks along the Colonnade of the White House, lined with American flags, Wednesday, May 4, 2022, to the Oval Office. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)
Voters are in a mood to rebuke Joe Biden over his obsession with an anti-MAGA message; they want him to get over the 2020 election and move on, according to a new poll.
It is the Washington Examiner that has reported on a new Rasmussen poll on the topic.
Biden, while campaigning, kept insisting that he would be able to unite the nation.
But in recent weeks he's turned into an attack dog on the theme of the administration of President Donald Trump, the Make America Great Again slogan.
In his September 1 speech, Biden said: “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic."
But now a Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of likely U.S. voters agree with that quote, including 36% who Strongly Agree. Forty-seven percent (47%) disagree with Biden’s slam on “MAGA Republicans,” including 39% who Strongly Disagree.
The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on September 6-7, 2022 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
According to the Examiner report, now a "majority of voters want President Joe Biden to move past the 2020 election and its aftermath and fix the economy, a rebuke of his string of attacks on 'MAGA Republicans.'"
The result is that 58% said they want Biden to focus on the economy, as gasoline prices, which exploded to nearly $6 a gallon earlier this year Biden's policies before receding slightly in recent weeks, are expected to go up again, possibly significantly, this fall.
And the evidence is all there, two consecutive quarters of "negative growth," to say the nation is in recession.
"Asked if they agree or disagree with the statement 'Joe Biden should quit blaming ‘MAGA Republicans’ and get to working on the economy he ruined,' 58% of likely voters agreed, and 38% disagreed," the report said.
Said Rasmussen, "The pollster added, '80% of Democrats agree with Biden’s quote about the threat of MAGA ‘extremism,’ while 76% of Republicans disagree. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 40% agree with Biden and 53% disagree.'"
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