Americans Don’t Bow
In the wake of Queen Elizabeth’s passing, journalists have discussed President Biden’s meetings with her. And they always quote the advice he says he got from his mother: “Don’t you bow down to her.”
His mother was right. This is a republic. Americans are citizens, not subjects. We don’t bow or curtsy to any fellow Americans, much less to foreign monarchs. (If you don’t believe me, ask Miss Manners, repeatedly.)
And yet journalists are always telling us to bow and curtsy before them, and address them as “Your Royal Highness,” and stand when British royals enter the room. Or that “a bow or curtsy … is the traditional way to greet” the queen. For her subjects, yes. Not for Americans. That expectation went out in 1776. (We’ll leave for another day whether the people of any country ought to be subjects.)
When King Charles next visits the United States, listen to Biden’s mother.