Gloomwood's grimy stealth playground deserves better than the agony of early access
Gloomwood is, so far, a very good game, but it is also not much of a game - in the literal sense that it has launched into early access incomplete. There's currently just enough of it to play that it makes you feel both bereft and quite annoyed when it suddenly clangs its great iron doors shut in front of you. "Let me in!!" you scream, as you hammer on the silent portal. "I really like Thief! I get you! I want to throw more decapitated heads as lures!"
If you are one of those people who bases their gaming personality on liking the original Thief series, Gloomwood will have been on your radar for a while. It's a grimy, steampunk-ish stealth immersive sim with a deliberate low-poly vibe, and it picks up the abandoned Thief football to absolutely run with it. But, though the current EA build is but short, it feels like Gloomwood is aiming to punt that ball into outer space. There's so much more room to be playful and experiment than I expected, and it's so much fun that if you'd never played a stealth sim in your life I'd recommend Gloomwood. Except I wouldn't, because it feels like I'd be doing you a disservice to recommend it now, when the fun will be so quickly snatched away.