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Fearmongering CS Professor Insists That California’s Design Code Is Nothing To Worry About. He’s Wrong


Hany Farid is a computer science professor at Berkeley. Here he is insisting that his students should all delete Facebook and YouTube because they often recommend to you things you might like (the horror, the horror):

Farid once did something quite useful, in that he helped Microsoft develop PhotoDNA, a tool that has been used to help websites find and stop child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and report it to NCMEC. Unfortunately, though, he now seems to view much of the world through that lens. A few years back he insisted that we could also tackle terrorism videos with a PhotoDNA despite the fact that such videos are not at all the same as the CSAM content PhotoDNA can identify, which has strict liability under the law. On the other hand, terrorism videos are often not actually illegal, and can actually provide useful information, including evidence of war crimes.

Anyway, over the years, his views have tended towards what appears to be hating the entire internet because there are some people who use the internet for bad things. He’s become a vocal supporter of the EARN IT Act, despite its many, many problems. Indeed, he’s so committed to it that he appeared at a “Congressional briefing” on EARN IT organized by NCOSE, the group of religious fundamentalist prudes formerly known as “Morality in Media” who believe that all pornography should be illegal because nekked people scare them. NCOSE has been a driving force behind both FOSTA and EARN IT, and they celebrate how FOSTA has made life more difficult for sex workers. At some point, when you’re appearing on behalf of NCOSE, you probably want to examine some of the choices that got you there.

Last week, Farid took to the pages of Gizmodo to accuse me and professor Eric Goldman of “fearmongering” on AB 2273, the California “Age Appropriate Design Code” which he insists is a perfectly fine law that won’t cause any problems at all. California Governor Gavin Newsom is still expected to sign 2273 into law, perhaps sometime this week, even though that would be a huge mistake.

Before I get into some of the many problems with Farid’s article, I’ll just note that both Goldman and I have gone through the bill and explained in great detail the many problems with it, and even highlighted some fairly straightforward ways that the California legislature could have, but chose not to, limit many of its most problematic aspects (though probably not fix them, since the core of the bill makes it unfixable). Farid’s piece does not cite anything in the law (it literally quotes not a single line in the bill) and makes a bunch of blanket statements without much willingness to back them up (and where it does back up the statements, it does so badly). Instead, he accuses Goldman of not substantiating his arguments, which is hilarious.

The article starts off with his “evidence” that the internet is bad for kids.

Some of those hurt most by tech’s worst effects are also the most vulnerable among us. There is no longer any question as to the nature of the harm to children around the globe, including heightened body image issues for one-in-three teenage girls on Instagram, death and injury inspired by TikTok challenges, and the sexualization of children on YouTube.

Leaders have rightly taken notice of the growing mental health crisis among young people. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has called out social media’s role in the crisis, and, earlier this year, President Biden addressed these concerns in his State of the Union address.

Of course, saying that “there is no longer any question” about the “nature of the harm to children” displays a profound sense of hubris and ignorance. There are in fact many, many questions about the actual harm. As we noted, just recently, there was a big effort to sort through all of the research on the “harms” associated with social media… and it basically came up empty. That’s not to say there’s no harm, because I don’t think anyone believes that. But the actual research and actual data (which Hany apparently doesn’t want to talk about) is incredibly inconclusive.

For each study claiming one thing, there are equally compelling studies claiming the opposite. To claim that “there is no longer any question” is, empirically, false. It is also fearmongering, the very thing Farid accuses me and Prof. Goldman of doing.

Just for fun, let’s look at each of the studies or stories Farid points to in the two paragraphs above, which open the article. The study about “body image issues” that was the centerpiece of the WSJ’s “Facebook Files” reporting left out an awful lot of context. The actual study was, fundamentally, an attempt by Meta to better understand these issues and look for ways to mitigate the negative (which, you know, seems like a good thing, and actually the kind of thing that the AADC would require). But, more importantly, the very survey that is highlighted around body image impact looked at 12 different issues regarding mental health, of which “body image” was just one, and notably it was the only issue out of 12 where teen girls said Instagram made them feel worse, not better (teen boys felt better, not worse, on all 12). The slide was headlined with “but, we make body image issues worse for 1 in 3 teen girls” because that was the only one of the categories where that was true.

And, notably, even as Farid claims that it’s “no longer a question” that Facebook “heightened body image issues,” it also made many of them feel better about body image. And, again, many more felt better on every other issue, including eating, loneliness, anxiety, and family stress. That doesn’t sound quite as damning when you put it that way.

The “TikTok challenges” thing is just stupid, and it’s kind of embarrassing. First of all, it’s been shown that a bunch of the moral panics about “TikTok challenges” have actually been about parents freaking out over challenges that didn’t exist. Even the few cases where someone doing a “TikTok challenge” has come to harm including the one Farid links to above involved challenges that kids have done for decades, including before the internet. To magically blame that on the internet is the height of ridiculousness.

I mean, here’s the CDC warning about it in 2008, where they note it goes back to at least 1995 (with some suggestion that it might actually go back decades earlier).

But, yeah, sure, it’s TikTok that’s to blame for it.

The link on the “sexualization of children on YouTube” appears to show the fact that there have been pedophiles trying to game YouTube comments, though a variety of sneaky moves, which is something that YouTube has been trying to fight. But it’s not exactly an example of something that is widespread or mainstream.

As for the last two, fearmongering and moral panics by politicians are kind of standard and hardly proof of anything. Again, the actual data is conflicting and inconclusive. I’m almost surprised that Farid didn’t also toss in claims about suicide, but maybe even he has read the research suggesting you can’t actually blame youth suicide on social media.

So, already we’re off to a bad start, full of questionable fear mongering and moral panic cherry picking of data.

From there, he gives his full-throated support to the Age Appropriate Design Code, and notes that “nine-in-ten California voters” say they support the bill. But, again, that’s meaningless. I’m surprised it’s not 10-in-10. Because if you ask people “do you want the internet to be safe for children” most will say yes. But no one answering this survey actually understands what this bill does.

Then we get to his criticisms of myself and Professor Goldman:

In a piece published by Capitol Weekly on August 18, for example, Eric Goldman incorrectly claims that the AADC will require mandatory age verification on the internet. The following week, Mike Masnick made the bizarre and unsubstantiated claim in TechDirt that facial scans will be required to navigate to any website.

So, let’s deal with his false claim about me first. He says that I made the “bizarre and unsubstantiated claim” that facial scans will be required. But, that’s wrong. As anyone who actually read the article can see quite clearly, it’s what the trade association for age verification providers told me. The quote literally came from the very companies who provide age verification. So, the only “bizarre and unsubstantiated” claims here are from Farid.

As for Goldman’s claims, unlike Farid, Goldman actually supports them with an explanation using the language from the bill. AB 2273 flat out says that “a business that provides an online service, product, or feature likely to be accessed by children shall… estimate the age of child users with a reasonable level of certainty.” I’ve talked to probably a half a dozen actual privacy lawyers about this, and basically all of them say that they would recommend to clients who wish to abide by this that they invest in some sort of age verification technology. Because, otherwise, how would they show that they had achieved the “reasonable level of certainty” required by the law?

Anyone who’s ever paid attention to how lawsuits around these kinds of laws play out knows that this will lead to lawsuits in which the Attorney General of California will insist that websites have not complied unless they’ve implemented age verification technology. That’s because sites like Facebook will implement that, and the courts will note that’s a “best practice” and assume anyone doing less than that fails to abide by the law.

Even should that not happen, the prudent decision by any company will be to invest in such technology to avoid even having to make that argument in court.

Farid insists that sites can do age verification by much less intrusive means, including simple age “estimation.”

Age estimation can be done in a multitude of ways that are not invasive. In fact, businesses have been using age estimation for years – not to keep children safe – but rather for targeted marketing. The AADC will ensure that the age-estimation practices are the least invasive possible, will require that any personal information collected for the purposes of age estimation is not used for any other purpose, and, contrary to Goldman’s claim that age-authentication processes are generally privacy invasive, require that any collected information is deleted after its intended use.

Except, the bill doesn’t just call for “age estimation,” it requires “a reasonable level of certainty” which is not defined in the bill. And getting age estimation for targeted ads wrong means basically nothing to a company. They target an ad wrong, big deal. But under the AADC, a false estimation is now a legal liability. That, by itself, means that many sites will have strong incentives to move to true age verification, which is absolutely invasive.

And, also, not all sites engage in age estimation. Techdirt does not. I don’t want to know how old you are. I don’t care. But under this bill, I might need to.

Also, it’s absolutely hilarious that Farid, who has spent many years trashing all of these companies, insisting that they’re pure evil, that you should delete their apps, and insisting that they have “little incentive” to ever protect their users… thinks they can then be trusted to “delete” the age verification information after it’s been used for its “intended use.”

On that, he’s way more trusting of the tech companies than I would be.

Goldman also claims – without any substantiation – that these regulations will force online businesses to close their doors to children altogether. This argument is, at best, disingenuous, and at worst fear-mongering. The bill comes after negotiations with diverse stakeholders to ensure it is practically feasible and effective. None of the hundreds of California businesses engaged in negotiations are saying they fear having to close their doors. Where companies are not engaging in risky practices, the risks are minimal. The bill also includes a “right to cure” for businesses that are in substantial compliance with its provisions, therefore limiting liability for those seeking in good faith to protect children on their service.

I mean, a bunch of website owners I’ve spoken to over the last month has asked me about whether or not they should close off access to children altogether (or just close off access to Californians), so it’s hardly an idle thought.

Also, the idea that there were “negotiations with diverse stakeholders” appears to be bullshit. Again, I keep talking to website owners who were not contacted, and the few I’ve spoken to who have been in contact with legislators who worked on this bill have told me that the legislators told them, in effect, to pound sand when they pointed out the flaws in the bill.

I mean, Prof. Goldman pointed out tons of flaws in the bill, and it appears that the legislators made zero effort to fix them or to engage with him. No one in the California legislature spoke to me about my concerns either.

Exactly who are these “hundreds of California businesses engaged in negotiations”? I went through the list of organizations that officially supported the bill, and there are not “hundreds” there. I mean, there is the guy who spread COVID disinfo. Is that who Farid is talking about? Or the organizations pushing moral panics about the internet? There are the California privacy lawyers. But where are the hundreds of businesses who are happy with the law?

We should celebrate the fact that California is home to the giants of the technology sector. This success, however, also comes with the responsibility to ensure that California-based companies act as responsible global citizens. The arguments in favor of AADC are clear and uncontroversial: we have a responsibility to keep our youngest citizens safe. Hyperbolic and alarmist claims to the contrary are simply unfounded and unhelpful.

The only one who has made “hyperbolic and alarmist” claims here is the dude who insists that “there is no longer any question” that the internet harms children. The only one who has made “hyperbolic and alarmist” claims is the guy who tells his students that recommendations are so evil you should stop using apps. The only one who is “hyperbolic and alarmist” is the guy who insists the things that age verification providers told me directly are “bizarre an unsubstantiated.”

Farid may have built an amazing tool in PhotoDNA, but it hardly makes him an expert on the law, policy, how websites work, or social science about the supposed harms of the internet.

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