FU Fisher
This disgusting season was brought to you by John Fisher, Billy Beane, and David Forst. Hire Dave Stewart to run everything. At least if he loses, we’ll like him and know he was trying. FU Fisher, FU Beane and FU Forst. A Special FU to Dave Kaval. This disgusting season was brought to you by John Fisher, Billy Beane, and David Forst. Hire Dave Stewart to run everything. At least if he loses, we’ll like him and know he was trying. FU Fisher, FU Beane and FU Forst. A Special FU to Dave Kaval. This disgusting season was brought to you by John Fisher, Billy Beane, and David Forst. Hire Dave Stewart to run everything. At least if he loses, we’ll like him and know he was trying. FU Fisher, FU Beane and FU Forst. A Special FU to Dave Kaval. This disgusting season was brought to you by John Fisher, Billy Beane, and David Forst. Hire Dave Stewart to run everything. At least if he loses, we’ll like him and know he was trying. FU Fisher, FU Beane and FU Forst. A Special FU to Dave Kaval.