Darn Tootin’: Trombone Champ Has People Turning Real Trombones Into Controllers
Someone had to do it, and today that someone is me: Trombone Champ played with a trombone. pic.twitter.com/k6YLtI3Fwc
— Dan Lew (@danlew42) September 24, 2022
This weekend I made a Trombone Champ controller out of a real (soprano) trombone! I’ll have a video out shortly about the process, but for now, enjoy this video of me absolutely failing our national anthem with my new device! cc @HolyWowStudios pic.twitter.com/SvPoxfk6GV
— Hung Truong (@hungtruong) September 25, 2022
I made a custom #trumbonechamp controller from a kazoo with an Arduino and a ToF sensor + mic trigger. Full video soon! @HolyWowStudios pic.twitter.com/ATZoB5sOiQ
— Greig Stewart (@ThereminHero) September 25, 2022
Mark Kleeb not only made a trombone controller, but the entire thread previously to this tweet actually covers the entire creative process that led to building the finished trombone controllers.this was the most fun project I’ve done in ages, thank you for making this game @HolyWowStudios #TromboneChamp #Arduino #Steam pic.twitter.com/EvtXjLQ0Hk
— Jason (@TheNoochGoodler) September 27, 2022
And of course Rudeism, the man known for playing video games in any way that he can that doesn’t involve using a normal controller, jumped on the trend as well.#TromboneChamp pic.twitter.com/vWNHOxAOoL
— Mark Kleeb (@markkleeb) September 28, 2022
If you haven’t given Trombone Champ a try yet, you definitely should. It’s a whole lot of silly and goofy fun to be had. And don’t worry, you do not need an actual trombone or any trombone experience to play, you just need to remember that you’re not always the melody.BEHOLD, THE TROMBONE CONTROLLER
Ultrasonic sensor controls the slide, and a microphone controls the dooting. If only I knew how to play it IRL The ultimate way to play Trombone Champ @HolyWowStudios pic.twitter.com/Lvm5m2CT44 — Rudeism (@rudeism) September 27, 2022
The post Darn Tootin’: Trombone Champ Has People Turning Real Trombones Into Controllers appeared first on Kotaku Australia.