Today's front pages - September 29, 2022
The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.
Times of Malta leads with angry complaints by the mayor of Qrendi that his complaints to the authorities about dangerous driving in his locality had been ignored. His sister was among a group of women injured when they were hit by a car while waiting on a bus stop. The newspaper also gives prominence to government plans to protect journalism by legislation.
The plans for protection for journalism and free speech get top billing in The Malta Independent, which also reports remarks by Energy Minister Miriam Dalli that the government will soon announce a new method how water and electricity are billed
In-Nazzjon gives prominence to another call by Opposition leader Bernard Grech for the people to make their voice heard about the need to safeguard the quality of life. It also reports that the remarks by the energy minister about changes to the way water and electricity are billed further confirmed the decision by the PN to institute a court case.
l-orizzont leads with remarks by the prime minister that Malta has one of the most open economies.