Supporting data for "learnMSA: Learning and Aligning Large Protein Families"
We present learnMSA, a novel statistical learning approach of profile hidden Markov models (pHMMs) based on batch gradient descent. Fundamentally different from popular aligners, we fit a custom recurrent neural network architecture for (p)HMMs to potentially millions of sequences with respect to a maximum a posteriori objective and decode an alignment. We rely on automatic differentiation of the log-likelihood and thus, our approach is different from existing HMM training algorithms like Baum–Welch. Our method does not involve progressive, regressive or divide-and-conquer heuristics. We use uniform batch sampling to adapt to large datasets in linear time without the requirement of a tree. When tested on ultra-large protein families with up to 3.5 million sequences, learnMSA is both more accurate and faster than state-of-the-art tools. On the established benchmarks HomFam and BaliFam with smaller sequence sets it matches state-of-the-art performance. All experiments where done on a standard workstation with a GPU.
Our results show that learnMSA does not share the counter-intuitive drawback of many popular heuristic aligners which can substantially lose accuracy when many additional homologs are input. LearnMSA is a future-proof framework for large alignments with many opportunities for further improvements.