I massively regret having a baby – I’m exhausted and don’t get a minute to myself
IT’S NO secret that having a baby changes everything about your life, but one mum confessed that she wished she never had her tot at all.
Despite those early years supposedly being blissful, not everyone has the same lovely experience.
The stressed mum admitted on Mumsnet that having a baby was a massive regret and she wished she never did.
She wrote: “Having a baby. I f*****g hate it, I have no life at all.
“Life is: Wake at 6. Go to work. Finish work. Collect baby from nursery. Try to entertain baby for two hours. Bath baby.
“Get baby to bed after being head butted, having hair yanked, the skin on my neck yanked, kicked and punched. 45 mins to myself during which time I have to do some work.
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“Baby wakes. Settle baby. 2 hours sleep. Baby wakes. Spend two and a half to three hours getting baby back to bed. Four hours sleep. Baby wakes. Try to get baby back to sleep.
“Wake up for day at 6. Feel like a zombie. Repeat. Poor baby. But yeah. Stupid thing to do.”
Other mums could really empathise with the struggle of parenting and tried to give some advice.
One said: “Everyone says it’ll be hard. However I remember it dawned on me properly when baby was 6 weeks old, The sheer relentlessness of it, I cried and cried.
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“It totally does get better. When your child begins to interact more, you will feel better. And yes, sleep does return, I promise. Hang in there.”
Another tried to make the mum feel better, they said: “It won’t always be like this.
“The sleep gets better, the hair pulling turns into very sweet and heart warming chats and lots of fun times.”